Bad Gateway

Zip Code Analysis 92395

of one

Zip Code Analysis 92395

Key Takeaways

  • An additional tab has been created in the spreadsheet entitled Multi-Family Version 2. This version altered the strategy a bit and located all of the multi-family properties in the 92395 zip code and placed them all into the spreadsheet. There were 19 properties. Properties with no contact information, or that were small 2-3 unit properties with no visible security were not added. Instead, the search focused on larger properties where security would be more likely.
  • Once this list was compiled, each property was assessed to see if it met all the criteria needed. An additional column has been added for properties that meet all requirements. Each property is labeled, yes, no, or possibly. When a property was labeled “possibly” it was because it was not explicitly stated there was a security system, but pictures indicated that it was a gated community. Please be advised, since the research is limited to what the property owners and managers choose to share, that sometimes it was impossible to ascertain the extent of the fencing, and if it indeed had a security system attached. In order to not make assumptions, they were listed as possible, since the property could have been fenced and had an open entrance.
  • To provide a more comprehensive overview, another column was added (H) called Security System Details. In this column, notes were added from the website description and from the analysis of any pictures that were shared. If the website did not provide enough context, third-party rental sites were used to get a better idea of what, if any, security was offered.
  • Of the 19 properties, 5 met all the criteria, 7 possibly met the criteria, and 7 did not meet the criteria, for a total of 12 properties that could be potential leads.
  • Of note, some zip codes, will not have a minimum of 12 properties due to their size and others could have substantially more. After analyzing the data and creating the process to obtain the needed information, it is our recommendation that we stick with this process of using Google Maps, running multiple searches, compiling the information, and then providing you with the most comprehensive information we can locate, then labeling properties a yes, no, or possible match so that the final decision can be made by you whether pursuing the property is worthwhile.
  • This Google Doc has been created to provide a more detailed explanation of the research process
  • The spreadsheet with the new tab may be accessed here.

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