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Wellness Professionals - Appointment Rates.
There is a wide variation in the price that a wellness professional typically receives per appointment, according to an overview of seven types of practitioners. For this study, we looked at the typical per-session cost for nutritionists, natureopaths, massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, sex therapists and pelvic floor therapists.
Based on an overview of the sources, we found that prices are impacted most by what type of specialty is being practiced. The highest potential prices found in our overview are for natureopaths and pelvic floor therapists, though higher levels of training and a specialized practice can lead to higher prices across the list of practitioner types.
For many of the specialists listed here, there are different fees for the initial visit and for subsequent follow-up visits. In these cases, the initial visit will be more expensive.
There is often a wide range of price within a particular specialty. Most often, the factors influencing this are the educational level of the therapist and whether the therapy requires something unusual. As detailed below, price can also be impacted by the region of the country where the therapist operates.
The costs used in this report are calculated on a per-session basis. The standard for a session length is typically an hour, judging by an overview of all the sources used. However, a session can last for as little as 15 minutes and up to 90 minutes.
1. Nutritionist
The price for a nutritionist can vary significantly based on factors like education, reputation and location. Some sources list a cost for a follow-up appointment as low as $50. Meanwhile, a one-hour initial consultation with a registered dietitian, or RD, can cost up to $200.
On average, the sources suggest that a typical appointment costs between $60 and $100. However, as noted above, hiring an RD could lead to a per-visit cost of $150 or $200.
2. Natureopath
There is also a wide variation in the costs for natureopath. Looking at the sources as a whole, we can place a broad range of $100 to $300.
Typically, natureopath offer an initial visit at one price and follow-up visits at a lower price.
For instance, one clinic used in the data set cost $190 for initial visit for one hour and $100 for follow up visits. Another clinic charged $250 for first visits and $135 for subsequent visits.
3. Massage Therapists
As is the case with most of the specialists listed here, several factors can affect price. For message therapists, common factors include duration, location, travel costs, specialized massage, add ons and packages such as those offered at corporate events.
4. Acupuncturist
The initial cost for a visit with an acupuncturist will typically run from $75 to $95, though it is possible to find sessions for lower, with $60 also being quoted as a potential low-end price. The initial visit will usually include an acupuncture session and medical consultation.
5. Chiropractors
The price range for chiropractors is possibly the widest among the specialists listed here. Price can be affected by the training of the practitioner and what kind of services the customer requires. Additionally, location plays a role in the price a chiropractor charges. For instance, average fees are highest in the South, around $70 per session, and lowest in the Midwest, at $60.
In terms of the range, a session with a chiropractor could be as cheap as $30, but could run to up to $200, again depending on what is being done and the level of training needed. On average, a general vertebrae adjustment costs $65, according to a recent survey in Chiropractic Economics magazine.
6. Sex Therapists
There are fewer sources available dealing with sex therapists. However, one general estimate put the average cost at about $80 to $100 per hour.
A second sampling taken in the Chicago area suggested a similar price range, from about $80 to $150 per hour. An overview of the sources suggests that location may influence prices for this specialty as well. Also, a review of the sources suggests that any potential clients should look into the local laws governing this specialty.
7. Pelvic floor therapist
Pelvic floor therapists are considered physical therapists. Like chiropractors, there is a wide range of price points offered in this specialty. The price can run from $50 to $350, depending on several factors. The most common variables affecting price include the length of the session, the service provided and the individual provider.
While there is a wide variation in potential per-session costs, the average session typically costs between $60 and $80.
A review of the seven types of wellness practitioners included in this study found that there is a wide variation in the per-session rates. Prices ranged from $30 to up to $350, depending on the type of the practitioner, the training level of the practitioner and the type of service provided. There was often a price difference between an initial visit and subsequent follow-up visits for certain specialties, with the initial visit being somewhat more expensive. Price was also influenced by the region of the country.