I want to know the average rate of hotel rooms per night in large cities of the US.

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I want to know the average rate of hotel rooms per night in large cities of the US.

The average cost of a hotel room, determined by surveying 100 hotels in U.S. cities, is $177.36 per night as of 2016. I triangulated data to determine that the rate for 2017 is $245.80 per night. According to population size, the five largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego and Houston. I have triangulated data from Tiavago's Hotel Price Index and Bussiness Travel International to provide information on the average cost of hotels per night in the five largest U.S. cities.

New York city, new york

With 8,550,405 people this is the largest United States city. The average cost for a hotel room for one night in 2016 was $385.08 according to research by Business Travel News. Triavagos data prices for 2017, studied on a monthly basis, have hotel prices currently averaging $331 per night. That's a rise from the $208 per night average back in January 2017.

los angeles, california

This city boasts the second largest population with 3,971,883 citizens. The nightly average per nigh in LA hotels was $256.63 in 2016. The Hotel Price Index reported prices barely rising from $211 in January 2017 to $249 a night currently.

chicago, illinois

Chicago's population is about 2,720,546. The price of a hotel room for one night in 2016 on average would cost $275.38. This year the price per room made a drastic increase from $141 to $324 per night. That is the largest increase in cost within 2017 reported by Triavago among the five largest cities.

san diego, california

Around 1,394,928 people call San Diego, California their home. For tourists visiting the city in 2016 however would cost approximately $191.58 per night. The current cost reports indicate that the price took a moderate rise from $150 in January of this year to $207 average cost now.

houston, texas

Houston is the fifth largest city in the United States with 2,296,224 people living there. In 2016 the average cost for one night in a hotel was $192.68. This year the price slightly dropped in price from January to currently. The year started averaging $122 per night and is now at $118 per night average.


Although I was able to find the 2016 average cost per room was $177.36 per night, I had to triangulate the statistics to determine an average price this year for the largest cities. By averaging the current prices for hotels in the five largest cities, I determined that the figure would be $245.80. This price would be the best answer to your request to find the average nightly cost of hotels in the largest U.S. cities.

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