US Academic Medical Centers Capital Projects

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US Academic Medical Centers Capital Projects

Research Strategy:

  • In this research, our focus was first aimed at identifying top-ten academic medical centers (AMC's) that are continually-funded by the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) — the biggest national research funding organization.
  • Given that the NIH is the primary source of funding for almost all U.S-based AMC's, it is an accurate representation of:
    • (i) the overall extent and the impact of research,
    • (ii) the funding growth rate (over last five years), and
    • (iii) the allocation of research budget amongst the following domains: research and development, development of research centers, construction, entirely on research projects, and training the research staff.
  • In our research, we also came across varying sources of AMC funding (both private and state) for clinical and translational research projects. This was kept out of the three-hour scope of this research project. If the client wants this information, it can be provided in subsequent requests.
  • Using the NIH-RePORT platform we obtained statistics pertaining to the NIH funding between 2015-2020, the number of research projects awarded (or funded), funding allocations, and key projects that received maximum funding in 2020.
  • The following information for respective AMC's has been outlined in the attached google spreadsheet.
    • Names of U.S. Academic Medical Centers (AMC's)
    • Size of the AMC (in square feet)
    • City, State
    • Number of NIH funded Awards/Projects (2020)
    • The total NIH funding (2020)
    • NIH funding allocation in 2020 (Amount & Number of Funded Awards): (i) Other Research-Related, (ii) Research & Development Contracts, (iii) Research Centers, (iv) Research Project Grants, (v) Individual Training Grants, and (vi) Institutional Training Grants.
    • The NIH five-year funding trend (Funding & Number of Awards from 2015 to 2019).
    • Major funded research projects (2020)
    • Links for reference

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