I would like to get the URL for the court in each US state where you can search for any cases (specifically landlord/tenant cases)

of one

I would like to get the URL for the court in each US state where you can search for any cases (specifically landlord/tenant cases)

District Courts are responsible for handling and settling all landlord-tenant disputes in the United States. There is at least one district court in every state, territory, and in the District of Columbia. There are 94 districts courts in the United States judicial system. These 94 district courts are organized into 12 regional circuits. The number of district courts in each state is listed below. The URLs for each district court have been included in the attached Google doc.

Number of district courts per state, territories, and the district of Columbia

Alabama 3 Nebraska 1
Alaska 1 Nevada 1
Arizona 1 New Hampshire 1
Arkansas 2 New Jersey 1
California 4 * New Mexico 1
Colorado 1 * (the link is external)
Connecticut 1 New York 4
Delaware 1 North Carolina 3
District of Columbia 1 North Dakota 1
Florida 3 North Mariana Islands 1
Georgia 3 Ohio 2
Guam 1 Oklahoma 3
Hawaii1 Oregon 1
Idaho 1 Pennsylvania 3
Illinois 3 Puerto Rico 1
Indiana 2 Rhose Island 1
Iowa 2 South Carolina 1
Kansas 1 South Dakota 1
Kentucky 2 Tennessee 3
Louisiana 3 Texas 4
Maine 1 Utah 1
Maryland 1 Vermont 1
Massachusetts 1 Virgin Islands 1
Michigan 2 Virginia 2
Minnesota 1 Washington 2
Mississippi 2 West Virginia 2
Missouri 2 Wisconsin 2
Montana 1 Wyoming 1

district courts

District Courts have a trial judge and a magistrate judge. There are 94 district courts in the US, its territories, and the District of Columbia. The district courts are organized into 12 regional circuits. The bankruptcy court is part of the district court system. District court trial judges preside over trials and lawsuits. Magistrate judges assist with case preparation and may oversee misdemeanor trials as well. Trials conducted by district court judges may or may not have juries present. Links to the web pages for each district court are included in the uscourts website.

Landlord-tenant disputes

Landlord-tenant disputes can occur for a variety of reasons from failure to pay rent, to property damage claims, to the landlord failing to perform his contractual duties. Findlaw offers information on and answers to common landlord-tenant dispute issues and gives advice to tenants on how to handle evictions, unlawful detainer, and illegal retaliatory evictions. Links to frequently asked questions and other informational pages are included on this site.


The link to Maryland's Housing Court website, which handles landlord-tenant claims in Maryland has been provided as an example. The page states that district courts handle landlord tenant disputes and explains what the process in the Housing Court is like. In addition, it provides useful information for both tenants and landlords. Information about using mediation instead of going to trial is given as well.


Landlord-tenant disputes are handled by trial judges in the district court system. There are a total of 94 district courts located within the US, its territories, and the District of Columbia. URLs for all 94 district courts have been included in the attached Google doc.

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