What is the united states market-size (TAM) for the offices with headcount of 60+ employees industry?

of one

What is the united states market-size (TAM) for the offices with headcount of 60+ employees industry?

In the United States, the market-size or total addressable market for offices with a headcount of 50 or more employees is 473,173. In other words, there are 473,173 offices in the United States that employ at least 50 people. In addition, there are 34,678 uncoded business establishment sites. The number of employees at these sites is unknown.

Data — "Counts by employees on site"

Although no data was available with a range of employees starting at 60, data was available with a range starting at 50.
There are 275,651 offices in the US employing 50-99 people.
There are 143,747 offices in the US employing 100-249 people.
There are 33,925 offices in the US employing 250-499 people.
There are 12,197 offices in the US employing 500-999 people.
There are 7,623 offices in the US employing 1,000+ people.
There are 34,678 offices in the US with uncoded records, signifying there is no data relating to how many people are employed at the uncoded business establishment sites.


The total number of offices was calculated by adding together the businesses that employ 50-99 people all the way to the businesses that employ over 1,000 people. The information is published by the United States Census Bureau. There are 33,678 businesses that have uncoded records. The resulting total is 473,173 offices containing more than 50 people. Also, the possibility exists of up to 33,678 additional business establishments of 60 employees or more making the TAM 506,851 offices.


In the United States, there are 473,173 business establishments that employ 50 or more people. There is an additional 33,678 uncoded business establishments that may have more than 60 employees.

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