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Travelling to Learn Art Forms
We have populated the attached spreadsheet with 20 of the top artforms/crafts that people are willing to travel to learn and the cities that they are interested in traveling to learn. A research strategy is also attached below with the rationale behind the list.
Research Strategy
There was no pre-compiled or readily available information surrounding the artforms/crafts that people are willing to travel to learn and the cities that they are interested in traveling to learn in. We, therefore, had to get creative with our strategy. Since we were focusing on what people might be willing to do in 2021 and 2022, the information was limited owing to COVID-19 and the fact that most people are turning to online and remote learning as opposed to in-person learning (which would include traveling to learn about these artforms/crafts). However, we did find information in art blogs, travel blogs, tour companies that offer the opportunity to learn about crafts, and other sources that enabled us to develop the list. The artforms/crafts and cities (locations) that have been provided on the attached spreadsheet were chosen because sources stated that they are the best destinations for craft lovers, are world cultural heritages, host tourists on trips and vacation to teach them about the crafts (and are deemed popular), or are the only places that offer the opportunity to learn the craft. In fact, some are hosting trips in 2021. Most importantly, these were mentioned in multiple sources and were deemed to be very popular or those that people are most interested in learning about. A notable source was Vacation With An Artist (VAWAA) which allows people to travel to different places while learning about various artforms and crafts. This is a popular website that was mentioned repeatedly when researching the topic and we also deemed it as one of the major sources when compounding the list.