of one
What is the total number of hair and beauty salons in Australia by state?
Hello! Thank you for your request to determine the total number of hair and beauty salons in Australia, by state. The short version is that there are 21,949 hair and beauty salons across Australia. The regional distribution of hair and beauty salons across Australia is as follows: New South Wales 7,559, Victoria 5,404, Queensland 4,282, Western Australia 2,197, South Australia 1,574, Tasmania 417, Australia Capital Territory 370 and Northern Territory 140.
I have scoured the Internet for articles, papers and statistics related to this subject.
The Australian bureau of statistics provided the latest and most up to data information on this industry.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics provides a breakdown by region in the following segments:
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
Please note that the data provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics is the most recent available, and shows the information as it was at the beginning of 2016 (26 February 2016).
According to the Australia Bureau of Statistics, the ANZSIC business code for hair and beauty salons is ANZSIC 9511.
According to IBISWorld, there are 21,949 hair and beauty salons operating in the whole of Australia. This industry has an annual revenue of $5 billion, and employs 85,338 individuals.
The Australia Bureau of Statistics states the number of hair and beauty salons in Australia, as broken down by region to be:
Since this data is from the beginning of 2016, we can see that there were:
21,949 - 20,319 = 1,630 new hair and beauty salons opened since 26 February 2016. If we now calculate the distribution as a percentage of all hair and beauty salons by region we see:
New South Wales - 34.44%
Victoria - 24.62%
Queensland - 19.51%
South Australia - 7.17%
Western Australia - 10.01%
Tasmania - 1.90%
Northern Territory - 0.64%
Australian Capital Territory - 1.71%
Total - 100%
If we assume that demand and practice across these region will stay fairly constant, one year later on, we can estimate the current number of hair and beauty salons per region to be:
New South Wales - 7,559
Victoria - 5,404
Queensland - 4,282
South Australia - 1,574
Western Australia - 2,197
Tasmania - 417
Northern Territory - 140
Australian Capital Territory - 370
Total - 21,949
To wrap it up, there are 21,949 hair and beauty salons across Australia. The regional distribution of hair and beauty salons across Australia is as follows: New South Wales 7,559, Victoria 5,404, Queensland 4,282, Western Australia 2,197, South Australia 1,574, Tasmania 417, Australia Capital Territory 370 and Northern Territory 140.
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