Total Number of Business Students

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Total Number of Business Students

The estimated number of students currently enrolled in business programmes, broken down by country, has been provided in the attached spreadsheet. Additional data found for the United States of America has been provided below.

Breakdown of Business Graduates in the USA by the Level of Education

  • According to the latest data available:
    • 386,201 graduates earned bachelor’s degrees in business
    • 192,184 graduates earned master’s degrees in business
    • 3,338 graduates earned doctorate or professional degrees in business

Research Strategy

The research did not find any directly available data regarding the number of students currently studying business at undergraduate, post-graduate, and doctorate levels, broken down by country.
The research referenced global databases like UIS (UNESCO Institute of Statistics), World Bank, and OECD databases. However, no direct information was available. We also tried to find surveys or studies by private institutions, to get a rough estimate of the current number of students enrolled in business programmes. This attempt also did not return any favorable outcome.
As an alternate strategy, we utilized the information found in the UIS database to calculate a rough estimate of currently enrolled students in business programmes at various levels. We found the datasets for "the number of students enrolled in educational programmes by country" and "the percentage of students graduating from business, administration, and law programmes." Since data for business programmes only was not available in the UIS database, the data for "business, administration, and law programmes" was used.
The datasets used can be found in the attached google drive folder.

Calculation and Assumptions

  • A rough estimate of currently enrolled students (by country, by year) = (number of enrolled students by country, by year) x (percentage of graduating students corresponding to that country and year)
  • It has been assumed that an equivalent percentage of students get enrolled in the business, administration, and law programmes, compared to the percentage of students graduating from these programmes.

Guide to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

  • International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) has been used in the UIS datasets, which has been used as the basis of estimation.
  • Following is the relevant ISCED level classification:
    • ISCED 6 = Bachelor's degree or equivalent tertiary education level
    • ISCED 7 = Master’s degree or equivalent tertiary education level
    • ISCED 8 = Doctoral degree or equivalent tertiary education level

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