Top Executives

of one

Top Executives

Details about the name, title, email address, and LinkedIn profile for the chief marketing officer, chief executive officer, chief revenue officer, managing partner, and president for the first 20 companies provided have been entered, as available, in columns A-G rows 2-76 of the attached spreadsheet.

Summary of Findings

  • Most companies did not have the exact job titles for the roles requested for this project. In other cases, multiple job positions were held by the same person. Examples include Mitchell Sabshon, who is both the president and CEO of Inland Real Estate Investment Corp, Joel T. Murphy, who is both the president and CEO of Preferred Apartment Communities Inc, and Christopher J. Czarnecki, who is the chief executive officer, president, and director of Broadstone Real Estate, LLC.
  • Our findings did not uncover any roles with the "chief revenue officer" title. Consequently, we provided details for the sales managers, sales directors, and chief financial officers.
  • Similarly, our findings uncovered limited roles with the "managing partner" title. Consequently, we provided details about the chairman, director, and other roles close to the job title.
  • Information on the email addresses for the executive personnel identified was mostly not publicly available. Therefore, we employed email finder tools, such as and, which, in some cases, issue a disclaimer on the verification aspect of the emails provided.
  • Some personnel identified do not have LinkedIn profiles. Additionally, some email addresses could not be located. An exhaustive search through the company websites and various email-finding databases, including and, did not yield any results. Therefore, we concluded that this information is not publicly available and, consequently, entered N/A in the respective cells.

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