Top 30 Diverse Software CFOs, Part 2

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Top 30 Diverse Software CFOs, Part 2

The requested information for 14 additional diverse CFOs with software experience has been populated in the attached spreadsheet. Whereas some identified leaders serve as CFOs in listed SaaS companies, others work or have experience working as CFOs in publicly traded tech-related companies with at least a SaaS product in their product offerings.

Selected Findings

  • Amy Shapero is the CFO at Shopify, a publicly-traded company with SaaS experience in the U.S. She is a female with extensive software experience, having held various leadership roles at SaaS companies. However, her LinkedIn profile is not readily available.
  • In her LinkedIn profile, Lisa Mogensen indicates that her career has transitioned to include technology/SaaS. Currently, she is the CFO at CrossBorder Solutions.
  • Tal Payne is the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer in the American-Australian multinational corporation, Check Point Software Technologies. Ms. Payne oversees the company’s finances and operations on a global scale, including the U.S.
  • Vanessa Wittman has software experience, having worked as a CFO in a SaaS company, Dropbox. She also served as Motorola Mobility CFO. However, her LinkedIn profile is not publicly available.
  • Paula Croutch is currently serving as the CFO j2 Cloud Services of J2 Global. She is considered a female with software experience because the company she is serving is among the 50 largest publicly-listed SaaS companies in 2020.
  • Ana Sirbu is Nitro Software’s Chief Financial Officer based in San Francisco, California, United States. Her professional profile can be found here.
  • The 50 largest public SaaS companies in 2020 include Shopify, Atlassian, Square, Smartsheet, Dropbox, j2 Global, eHarmony, and Anaplan. Sara Baxter Orr, Jenny Decker, Sarah Friar, and Jeniffer Ceran have served as CFOs in at least one of these SaaS companies and hence were considered to have software experience.

Research Strategy

We started the research by identifying diverse groups of people with software experience or servicing as Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) in software-related companies. For the sake of this research, diversity was defined based on gender and/or race/ethnicity. A CFO was considered to have software experience if they have served in leadership within companies offering software products, preferably SaaS products. Special consideration was given to CFOs with SaaS experience and/or experience leading a publicly-traded company. The criteria for selecting the leaders included being leaders of U.S.-based publicly-traded companies or sitting in board meetings after retiring as CFOs in software-related public companies.

To find the profile of the identified diverse CFOs with software experience, the research team consulted their specific companies’ websites, articles, and professional profiles like LinkedIn. We also consulted databases such as Bloomberg and Crunchbase to look for details about the identified leaders. We found pre-compiled details about a great portion of the requested information. However, the LinkedIn profiles of Amy Shapero and Vanessa Wittman were not publicly available.

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