Who are the top 20 female orthopedic doctors in Manhattan specializing in spine, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, and neurosurgery?

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Who are the top 20 female orthopedic doctors in Manhattan specializing in spine, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, and neurosurgery?

Hello, and thanks for your question asking for a list of the top 20 female orthopedic doctors in Manhattan specializing in spine, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, and neurosurgery. I have found a list of surgeons who fit your criteria and have provided details on each. Below you will find a deep dive into my research, along with all the details as to how I came to this conclusion.

In researching your request I found 2 sources which proved invaluable in finding a your top 20 list. Both the Zocdoc and Rate MDs articles provided lists of orthopedic doctors in Manhattan with star ratings. I chose the top rated doctors who fitted your criteria from both lists and added their information into this spreadsheet.

Unfortunately I was unable to find information on who do these doctors refer to for chiropractic or physical therapy or rehab after surgery. I believe that this information would only be available on request, as it may be dependant on the patient's specific situation.

Again, many of these doctors email addresses were unavailable, even when using email finder tools. However, I was able to find office addresses and phone numbers.
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Finally, after a long and thorough search I can confirm that the sources that I found for each surgeon could not inform on whether they were in-network or out of network. I believe that this information would become clear on further consultation, or in booking an appointment.

Overall I have found a list of 20 emale orthopedic doctors in Manhattan specializing in spine, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, and neurosurgery, and have created a spreadsheet with their details where they are listed in order of client rating.

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