Phosgene Chemistry Market Analysis

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Phosgene Chemistry Market Analysis

An in-depth examination of the phosgene market is provided below, including details about the market's growth drivers, a summary of how the key players compare to VanDeMark Chemical, a breakdown of the market based on application, region, etc. According to research, the phosgene market was estimated at $3.46 billion in 2015 and is expected to hit $4.672 billion by 2021, growing at a CAGR of about 5.13%.

I). Phosgene Chemistry Market Breakdown by Application ($)

    • A report by Market Study Report indicates that in 2015, the global phosgene market size was valued at $3.46 billion and projected to grow to $4.672 billion by 2021, at an estimated CAGR of 5.13%. Using the reverse CAGR calculator available online, the phosgene market size in 2017 based on calculations is estimated at $3.824 billion.
    • According to market research reports, the MDI/PMPPI segment of the phosgene chemistry market holds the largest share, and in 2017, it accounted for 57% of the market share. On the other end, the TDI market segment is expected to hold about 27% of the market share by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 5%.
    • By applying the formula for calculating the net present value, the TDI segment's market share in 2017 can be determined, since the CAGR and future values are known. On that note, using the present value calculator available at MoneyChimp, the TDI segment in 2017 accounted for around 21.16% of the market, implying that the 'others' segment accounted for 100% less (57% + 21.16%) = 21.84%.
    • Based on the values above, in 2017, the MDI/PMPPI segment accounted for 57% of $3.824 billion, which is equivalent to $2.18 billion, while the TDI market segment held 21.16% of $3.824 billion, which is equal to $809,158 million, and the 'others' segment (21.84% of $3.824 billion), which is equivalent to approximately, $835,162 million.

    Growth Trends Within the Segments

2.) The Market Breakdown by Region

  • The phosgene chemistry market is also segmented based on the global regions, i.e., the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, Europe, North America, and the rest of the world. However, most of the reports examined feature in-depth analyses for North America, Europe, and APAC markets only, as is the case for the analyses below.
  • North America

    • North America's phosgene market encompasses Canada, Mexico, and the United States (U.S.).
    • The U.S. market leads the region in terms of market share. It is expected to witness significant growth in the future because of rising product demand in the region's agrochemical industry to aid in the manufacture of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
    • The U.S. agricultural pesticide market is expected to exceed $3 billion by 2025 and its use in enhancing crop production and quality, which in turn produces high yields, would boost product demand.


    • The phosgene chemistry market in Europe is led by the UK, France, Italy, and Germany.
    • While the APAC region dominates the global phosgene market, Europe has a more significant market share in the global market than North America, which ranks third.
    • The European market size for phosgene is predicted to expand over the forecast period (2020 – 2026) driven primarily by growing product consumption in pharmaceutical, dyes, and specialty chemicals.
    • For instance, the Germany pharmaceutical market is expected to exceed $67.5 billion by 2025 due to expanding pharmaceutical plants and increasing research and development (R&D) activities sponsored by the government, which, in turn, would stimulate regional industry growth.

    Asia Pacific (APAC)

3.) Growth Drivers of the Phosgene Market

4.) Product Applications of Phosgene Chemistry

5.) How VanDeMark Compares to Top Five Companies

Based on revenue, the five top companies identified in the strategy compare as follows.


    • In 2019, BASF had annual revenues of €59.316 billion, while in 2018, its sales revenues reached €60.220 billion.
    • The company has about 11,000 employees in research and development (R&D).


    Huntsman International

    Shandong Tianan Chemicals

    • There is no information on revenue figures for Shandong Tianan Chemicals in public; however, some statistics that show the company's size; for instance, its output capacities are provided.
    • According to the company's website homepage, it covers over 466,000 square meters of land and has 450 employees, 50 are technicians.

    VanDeMark Chemical

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