Spending on TVs

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Spending on TVs

According to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America, the United States Out-of-Home advertising spend for the year 2019 was $30.2 billion.

Out-of-Home TV Advertising

  • According to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America, the OOH market share of the overall media spend for the year 2019 was 3.8%, amounting to $8.6 billion in media spend.
  • The market share of Broadcast TV was 13.5%, with $30.2 billion in media spend.
  • The total OOH revenue for the year 2020 YTD Q3 amounted to $4.6 billion, while place-based advertising generated $267.0 million in revenues with a 5.8% market share.
  • For the year 2019, the top 3 industries ranked by OOH advertising expenditures include misc. services and amusements ($2,015,633.4), retail ($831,812.6), media and advertising ($756,925.9).
  • Some top OOH advertisers include companies like McDonald's, Apple, Amazon, HBO, Coca-Cola, among others.

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