Southeast Asian Traditional Rituals/Customs

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Southeast Asian Traditional Rituals/Customs

Key Takeaways

  • The Phu Giay Festival is a cultural celebration in Vietnam believed to bring good tidings upon people. It takes place "on the first ten days of the 3rd lunar month" in Kim Thai village Vu Ban district in honor of goddess Lieu Hanh of Phu Giay Pagoda.
  • Yi Peng is an ancient festival in Northern Thailand that is marked by launching lanterns in the night sky to symbolize wishing for good tidings in the new year and letting off misfortunes from the previous year.
  • Bakar Batu is a famous sacred tradition in Indonesia that is performed during special events to express gratitude and also strengthen relationships.


A list of two Southeast Asian cultural practices, traditions, rituals, or customs that involve anger, grief, hope, joy, and love have has been provided below.

Anger / Pain

Ngurek (Bali)
  • Ngurek is an extreme religious practice in Indonesia that involves hurting the body. Worshippers, who are believed to be possessed, use a traditional knife called keris to stab their bodies. The tradition is aimed to serve god "Sang Hyang Widi Wasa."
  • Peresean is a cultural practice that involves fighting among the Sasak tribe in Lombok in Indonesia. Opponents use a rattan stick as a weapon to attack each other only on the shoulders and back. During the event, instruments like seruling and kendag, a traditional drum are played. Such fights are most likely to trigger pain among the participants.

Grief / Sadness

1. Rambu Solo Ceremony
  • Also known as Toraja Funeral Ceremony, Rambu Solo Ceremony is a funeral tradition practiced by a community called Toraja in Indonesia. The community performs certain funeral rituals to mark the start of a new life for the dead in the afterworld and prevent any misfortune to the deceased family. They also believe that through these rituals, the spirits of the dead will return to heaven, with their ancestors.
Gin Salat
  • Gin Salat is an extremely old tradition in Thailand that involves honoring the dead by building "salats" using items that the dead used when they were alive. Such an event most likely involves sadness as it involves mourning the dead.

Hope / Renewal

Phu Giay Festival
  • The Phu Giay Festival is a cultural celebration in Vietnam believed to bring good tidings upon people. It takes place "on the first ten days of the 3rd lunar month" in Kim Thai village Vu Ban district in honor of goddess Lieu Hanh of Phu Giay Pagoda.
  • Pilgrims wear traditional regalia and "carry embellished bamboo relics to the temple of the goddess." Games like lion dancing, human chess, and wrestling are also played during the celebration.
  • We believe that this event brings hope as it is believed to bring good fortunes upon people.
Yi Peng
  • Also known as Thailand's Floating Lantern Festival, Yi Peng is an ancient festival in Northern Thailand. The event takes place in November (on the full moon night of the 12th month of the Thai lunar calendar). It is celebrated to mark the start of the cool season and the end of the monsoon season.
  • The celebration is marked by launching lanterns in the night sky to symbolize wishing for good tidings in the new year and letting off misfortunes from the previous year.

Joy / Delight

1) Mid-Autumn Festival
Songkran Festival (Water Festival)
  • Songkran is the Thai New Year's festival, which takes place from 13th April to 15th April. It is believed to be a time of new beginnings. Initially, people used to sprinkle water on each other as a sign of spiritual cleansing before they began to use buckets and hose pipes to splash water on each other.
  • The three-day water festival is considered to be the most fun event that involves merry, dancing, and music. T

Belonging / Love.

Trang Underwater Wedding Ceremony Thailand

Bakar Batu (Papua)

Research Strategy

For this request on 'Southeast Asian Traditional Rituals/Customs,' we've leveraged the most reputable sources of information in the public domain, including Trip101, Backpacker Southeast Asia, Zenrooms, Travel Triangle, Indonesia Tourism, among others.

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