Social Media Platforms Sentiment Analysis

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Social Media Platforms Sentiment Analysis - TikTok

Key Takeaways

  • 56% of TikTok users stated that they can post videos that they would not post on any other platform.
  • 68% of users find advertising content on TikTok to be different from any other competitive platform.
  • 46% of users give TikTok their undivided attention while watching one video after another, compared to 37% on other competing platforms.


This report provides insights surrounding brand sentiment analysis for the TikTok social media platform. The positive sentiments around TikTok are driven by authenticity, unique content, and captivating content.


  • In a survey of over 8000 respondents conducted by Neilsen, a contributing factor to TikTok's popularity is that people feel like they can be their true selves on the platform.
  • 64% of users stated that TikTok enables them to be their real selves.
  • 56% of users stated that they can post videos that they would not post on any other platform.
  • 53% of users stated that they believe that other users can be their true selves on the platform.
  • Users also described the content on TikTok as authentic, unfiltered, genuine, and trendsetting.
  • Those sentiments were expressed over ads posted on TikTok as well. Ads on TikTok were perceived as real, unique, and fun.

Unique Content

  • Respondents from the Neilsen survey feel like they can visit TikTok and see content that they can’t see on any other platform. While the same content might be seen shared across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, TikTok stands apart as a platform where something new can be discovered.
  • 79% of users feel that content on TikTok is unique or different.
  • 68% of users find advertising content on TikTok to be different from any other competitive platform.
  • 60% of users globally (excluding the US) stated that they follow brands on TikTok.
  • 52% of users stated that they carry out product searches and purchases on the platform.
  • 85% of users discover new, enjoyable content through the platform.


  • Kantar conducted a study in March 2021 with TikTok users in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Indonesia and found that users give their undivided attention to TikTok.
  • The captivating videos on TikTok keep its users logged in, engaging one other, and searching for more fun.
  • 46% of users give TikTok their undivided attention while watching one video after another, compared to 37% on other competing platforms.

TikTok as a Favorite Brand

  • A study conducted by Kantar found that consumers rated TikTok as their favorite platform on which to view ads. According to the study, “TikTok is seen as the platform with the most fun and entertaining ads.” Interacting with ads was also noted as an exciting experience for consumers.

  • Forrester Analytics Consumer Technographics® US Youth Survey, 2021 discovered that Gen Z youth in the US (ages 12–17) use TikTok more than Instagram and Snapchat in 2021.
  • Gen Z youth said that Tiktok is "funnier and more positive" compared to other social media apps. 63% of them preferred TikTok, compared to 57% for Instagram and 54% for Snapchat.

Research Strategy

To find information on insights surrounding brand sentiment analysis for TikTok, we leveraged credible sources on the public domain including TikTok website, Search Engine Journal, Social Media Examiner, Forrester, and YPulse.

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Social Media Platforms Sentiment Analysis - Instagram, Facebook

Key Takeaways

  • A study by Facebook in partnership with Crowd DNA, found that 52% of Instagram users feel a sense of community, while 56% felt more connection by being on the platform.
  • A survey conducted in 2021 found that 56% of people stated that Facebook has a negative impact on society. 72% of Facebook users are concerned about user privacy protection on the platform.


We have provided information surrounding Sentiment Analysis of Instagram and Facebook Platforms. This report provides insight surrounding underlying emotion users express at the mention of Instagram and Meta (formerly Facebook).

Instagram — More Engagement

  • Just like other social media platforms, Instagram has adverts that appear between posts or while watching stories. But the platform has the least intrusive ads. Ads are only displayed after viewing all the stories of a specific profile. Users feel better entertained and engaged with this uninterrupted experience. The engagement rate on Instagram is enhanced and users’ interest is maintained longer because the platform offers a distortion-free experience.
  • According to a study by Facebook in partnership with Crowd DNA, teenagers like to use Instagram because it promotes relationships with their friends and the public in general. The survey of 13–24-year-olds found that 52% of Instagram users said that being on the platform gave them a sense of community, while 56% felt more connected to the people they know.
  • Instagram is an amazing discovery tool. Teenagers and adults alike consider Instagram a place to discover latest and future trends. Instagram’s unique appeal provokes creative expression and provides a connection to a compatible community. The platform is used by 50% of people to discover new brands, products, or services. 2 out of every 3 persons stated that the network helps promote meaningful connections with brands.
  • Particularly for Gen Z, Instagram is a major channel for discovery. A report found that 60% of United States Gen Z shoppers use Instagram to discover new brands and products. It also revealed that it is the leading platform in discovery, ahead of Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat.

Instagram — Feeling Heard

  • Instagram earned its fame by branding itself as a secure place for users to express their uniqueness by displaying their view of the world to their followers.
  • In contrast to other platforms, users prefer seeing polls and quizzes from brands on Instagram. 57% of people surveyed said that they like seeing brand polls and quizzes on Instagram. As brands use Instagram stories to ask their followers what they want, customers say they feel heard, and sellers feel more confident about their business decisions. Audiences want brands to share authentic stories that resonate well with them, and Instagram provides this opportunity.
  • Instagram reel which allows people to show the various steps involved in the creative process, makes viewers feel like a part of an influential group, as they get a sneak peek of their favorite designers or products.
  • Instagram users are also given the chance to share their lives with friends while discovering themselves. A research discovered that 53% of people recognized Instagram as helping to define who they are, while 63% stated that they are able to document their lives using Instagram.

Facebook — Lack of Trust

  • In 2020, 47% of Facebook users expressed concerns about their lack of trust for the platform, as it regards the protection of user’s privacy. At the end of 2021, 72% still had the same concern. Though Facebook ranks first in usage, it ranked last in trust, suggesting that consumers are still using anyway.
  • Results of a research conducted by OpenX in partnership with the Harris Poll — a prominent global market research company — found that about 33% of respondents say they use Facebook less frequently now compared to 12 months ago, while 26% stated that they anticipate a decline in their use of the platform in the next one year.
  • According to Steve Wozniak — Apple co-founder, his fear about the level of access Facebook had to his life led to the deactivation of his account on the platform.

Facebook — Negative Impact

  • Beyond consumers’ concern for privacy protection, many users also feel that social media platforms are responsible for addressing fake news and ensuring information accuracy. According to the Stop Hate for Profit Coalition, after evaluating progress made by mainstream social media platforms in addressing racism and hate on their platforms, it was found that Facebook made the least progress toward meeting the coalition’s demands.
  • A survey which was conducted in November 2021 found that only 10% of people think that Facebook has a positive effect on society. 56% say it has a negative impact, while 33% are on the fence. Study by Vesta confirms that consumers feel more negatively than positively towards the brand — 42% users are either less frequent or not at all on the platform.
  • While Facebook continues to grow, the increasing negative sentiment is evident in the significant call to decrease or discontinue use of the platform.

Research Strategy

For this research on Social Media Platforms Sentiment Analysis — Instagram, Facebook, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including but not limited to: Web Marketing Pros, Hootsuite, and Facebook.

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Social Media Platforms Sentiment Analysis - YouTube, Pinterest

Key Takeaways

  • Research conducted by Nielsen found that 72% of Pinterest users perceived the platform as a space where they feel positive.
  • YouTube users like to be entertained by the content they're watching. 65% of YouTube users cited ‘entertainment’ solely as their reason for using the platform.


We have provided information surrounding Sentiment Analysis of YouTube and Pinterest Platforms. This report provides insight surrounding underlying emotion users express at the mention of YouTube and Pinterest.

YouTube — Relaxation and Entertainment

  • In a global survey by Google, YouTube was identified as the most common of all the video services used. And the No. 1 reason cited for watching videos is to unwind and relax.
  • In Australia, YouTube was rated the second most engaging platform. 42.9% of people stated that they feel the most engaged with the platform, second to Meta (formerly Facebook).

  • YouTube users like to be entertained or fascinated by the content they're watching. With YouTube now being a source of TV content, deep dive content on the platform allows people to turn their brains off from the present state of the world — human rights violations issues, among other things — and fend off the stress around them. 65% of YouTube users cited entertainment as their reason for using the platform.

YouTube — Learning Hub

  • Beyond entertainment and fun, YouTube users view the platform as a hub for learning and figuring things out. Study result showed that 13% of visits to YouTube is primarily to ‘learn how to do something.’
  • From tutorial Videos, also known as how-to videos, to whiteboard videos, YouTube provides an effective format for educating people — and viewers are happy to consume too. Creators leverage this knowledge to deliver industry related information or education to their viewers.
  • According to The Global State of Digital 2022 report, about 33% of internet users have watched a tutorial video. Particularly common among Gen Zs, 52.2% of male and 53.5% of female Gen Z internet users watch an educational video or a tutorial video in a week.
  • Like Dipashree Das (Senior Marketer with a Global OTT Platform) said, “people come together for the community feeling and shared interest.” The channel subscription feature of YouTube presents this opportunity for social interaction and connection within the virtual community which may result in deeper engagement levels, thereby promoting a communal feeling.

Pinterest — Positive Feeling

  • Pinterest has positioned itself as the positive alternative to its social platform rivals. Beyond being a potential awareness tool, Pinterest is also differentiated from the more negative perceptions of competitors through its inspirational, inclusive, and positive platform credentials.
  • Research conducted by Nielsen across 9000 media platform users, including 1,000 Australian adults, discovered that 72% of Pinterest users perceived the platform as a space where they feel positive.
  • 9 out of every 10 Pinterest users describes it as packed with positivity.

Pinterest — New Idea Hub

  • A popular reason why people use Pinterest is for inspiration — looking to find and share new ideas, an indication that they’re more open to exploring new concepts, products, or brands. Different from other social media platforms that are mainly used for entertainment or to pass time, Pinterest is used to find something — in some cases, the platform serves as a search engine by default. Users confirmed that their desire for new ideas on tips for decorating or modifying items or creative looks drives them there.
  • Pinterest being the leading source of inspiration provides new insights on how its inspirational potential can be leveraged by advertisers. Pinterest encourages creativity and acts as the one-stop shop for its users to seek and offer ideas and products that help create the life consumers want.
  • The platform topped the list for inspiring users with new ideas compared to other digital platforms with 86% of the respondents of the Nielsen survey stating that Pinterest gives them new ideas, and 83% say it makes them consider new things. Gen Z Pinners particularly have been involved with Idea Pins.
  • At the beginning of a new project, 85% of Pinterest users visit the platform. 65% of users leverage the platform to find trustworthy ideas, products, and services. A study revealed that 43% of people would rather associate with retailers and brands on Pinterest, than to do so on Facebook (24%).

Research Strategy

For this research on Social Media Platforms Sentiment Analysis — YouTube and Pinterest, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including Hubspot, CMO, and B & T.

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Social Media Platforms Sentiment Analysis - Discord, Reddit

Key Takeaways

  • According to a survey of Discord users, 46% of respondents indicated the ease of use/setup as the reason they prefer it to other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • About 97.4% of Discord users believe the level of moderation on the platform is adequate.
  • Over 50% of Reddit users would not recommend the platform to others due to offensive content and toxic community concerns.
  • A 2020 subreddit survey revealed that users selected informative content as their favorite reason for using the subreddit.


This report provides insights into the consumer sentiment toward Discord and Reddit. Most Discord consumers are happy with its ease of use, community, level of moderation, and engagement features. Reddit consumers appreciate the platform's wealth of informative content and mostly use it for the same. However, users are concerned that Reddit's vast content often includes inappropriate content.


Ease of Use and Community

  • Discord users have indicated positive sentiment towards the platform's ease of use compared to other networks such as Facebook, Reddit, Steam, and Twitter.
  • According to a survey of Discord users, 46% of respondents indicated the ease of use/setup as the reason they prefer it to other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • Users who stated other reasons stated that they found it easier to find communities where they can share knowledge and games compared to other platforms.
  • Furthermore, users cited a welcoming community among the top two reasons for being active on Discord.

Engagement Features

  • A 2021 Discord survey revealed that more users are happy with Discord's engagement features.
  • About 78% of users indicated that the platform's @-mentions are adequate. However, an additional 10.5% would like to receive more mentions.
  • Users that want more pings indicated that they were concerned about missing out on important information.
  • Although users cited poor moderation as the third most significant reason for not being active on Discord, 97.4% of users believe the level of moderation on the platform is adequate.


Informative Content

  • According to the most recently published statistics regarding Reddit consumer sentiments, its informative content is among the most appealing aspect of the platform.
  • About 54% of people joining the platform did so for its content; 29% were drawn to specific/niche content such as tv shows and gaming, while 24% appreciated the platform's content variety and volume.
  • A 2020 subreddit survey revealed that users selected informative content as their favorite reason for using the subreddit.
  • Subsequently, 76% of like comments on Reddit focus on content originality, quality, and variety.
  • Most Reddit users appreciate that trending global topics are always available on the platform first. They also enjoy the intelligent and humorous feedback that other users provide.
  • About 90% of Reddit users are satisfied with the platform's overall features and offerings. However, 86% are happy with its content.

Offensive Posts and Community

  • The available data from surveys and user reviews indicate that consumers dislike the wealth of offensive content and communities on Reddit. When consulted, more than half of users choosing not to recommend the platform to others indicated offensive content and community as their reason.
  • About 31% of users were highly dissatisfied with the platform's offensive content, and 25% dislike Reddit for the same.
  • Most users who would not recommend Reddit to others were concerned about appearing to support the offensive content portrayed on the platform or exposing their friends to a toxic social environment.
  • A survey of users whose posts were removed due to community guideline violations provided representations of Reddit's existing hostile environment. One such user indicated that he continued posting inappropriate content despite repetitive post removals out of hatred for the subreddit.
  • According to Reddit reviews on Common Sense Media, several users cited its educational value and ease of use as positives. However, almost all users indicated exposure to inappropriate content as a negative aspect of using the platform.

Research Strategy

Consumer sentiment data regarding Discord and Reddit was limited. Although we found several statistics regarding usage data for both platforms, studies indicating how users feel about them were scarcely available in the public domain. We leveraged independent studies by KAMK and internal surveys for Discord and Reddit. We leveraged an older Reddit survey beyond Wonder's typical standard due to limited data. However, we assumed it was still relevant upon finding supporting information from more recent surveys and reviews. Note that although the statistics were provided in a Google Doc, the report was sourced from a publication by a reputable reporting organization (The Verge).

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