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Shopify Options for Online Membership Billing

There are four Membership only/Membership and Wholesale apps for Shopify that we have identified: Locksmith, Wholesale Pricing & Membership Manager, Charge Rabbit and Recurring Membership & Wholesale Registration. Below you will find a brief summary on the findings stated in the spreadsheet.


We searched the Shopify website for membership apps and picked the apps that are not already listed in the brief given to us. There were only four others that we identified as Membership/ Membership and Wholesale apps.

Some features like recurring billing, billing schedules and automated discounting have not been explicitly stated either in the Shopify app store or the company website. In such cases we have made inferences and have marked our responses with an asterisk (*) or two asterisks (**); the corresponding remarks have been made in the notes section of the spreadsheet.

Companies have selectively disclosed information on the basis of their marketing communication strategy. Therefore, we have made some observations based on the reviews; only ones which do not appear to be subjective. For example, one reviewer criticizing the technology would not be considered as a shortcoming as technology problems could also have arisen from the users technological set-up. Where no information was found we have marked the spreadsheet cell as N/A. Also, an additional column has been included with links that indicate the exact location at which information was found--not all information was found on the company websites, some of it was found client websites.


The Membership/ Membership and Wholesale apps identified are

3) Locksmith

Charge Rabbit is the only app among these that doesn't have a wholesale feature. Almost all apps have all the membership features required, but their pricing models are all different. Details of the same have been given in the attached spreadsheet.


All apps barring Charge Rabbit have both the membership feature and the wholesale transaction feature. Pricing models for all the apps are different: based on the number of members, percentage of transaction amount, flat monthly fee and in the case of Wholesale Pricing & Membership Manager app it is free of charge.

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