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Salary Levels of Dentists in Wichita, KS
Based on the estimates from around 8 different platforms, the average or mean annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, aggregates to $161,069. The median salary computes to $161,600. Below we have provided a detailed overview of the salary estimates of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, from different job portals/platforms.
General Dentist Salary Levels in Wichita, Kansas
- As per, the average or mean annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $215,481. The same is based on 8 reported salaries, updated as of November 9, 2020. Additionally, Indeed indicates that the dentist salary level in Wichita is 9% lower than the national average.
- According to, the average or mean annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $162,471, updated as of December 28, 2020. The salary typically ranges from $141,584 and $187,613 per year. Additionally, the total cash compensation, which includes base salary and annual incentives, can vary between $149,287 to $199,416, with an average total cash compensation of $172,706. The platform has not disclosed the number of salary data points that have been used to compute the above estimates.
- As per Payscale, the average or mean annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $154,839. The platform has not provided the number of salary data points that have been used to compute this estimate.
- The salary estimates from Glassdoor indicate that the average or mean annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $181,799, which is 13% above the national average. However, this estimate is from April 2018 and is based on 1 salary data submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by dentist employees in Wichita, Kansas. No other recent estimates were available on the platform.
- According to Salary Expert, the average or mean annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $162,995, which is 7% lower than the national average general dentist salary and translates into an average hourly salary of $78. The same ranges from $111,761 (for an entry-level general dentist with 1-3 years of experience) to $203,790 (for a senior-level general dentist with 8+ years of experience). The average annual bonus is $5,151. Further, Salary Expert indicates that the annual median base salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $160,728 or $77 per hour. These salary estimates are based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Wichita, Kansas.
- As per Comparably, the average annual base salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $104,031 ($109,037 including bonus), which is 1.6% above the national average general dentist base salary of $102,395 ($107,883 including bonus). The average bonus for a general dentist in Wichita is $5,006. Additionally, the salaries of general dentists in Wichita, Kansas, range from $65,778 to $163,436, with a median salary of $99,843. The middle 57% of General Dentists makes between $99,843 and $120,206, with the top 86% making $163,436. The platform has not disclosed the number of salary data points that have been used to compute the above estimates.
- According to Zippia, the average annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $151,000 and ranges from $119,000 to $191,000. Zippia data indicates that the general dentist salaries in Wichita have been outpacing the national average since 2016.
- As per USA Wage estimates, which are based on the national compensation survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2019 and published in April 2020, the median (50th percentile) annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, is $197,900. The average annual salary computed based on the annual salaries reported in various percentiles comes to $155,935. [(114180+129550+197900+182110)/4]
- Based on the various estimates of the above-mentioned 8 platforms, the average annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas, computes to $161,069. [(215481+162471+154839+181799+162995+104031+151000+155935)/8]. Additionally, we have used a median calculator to compute the median annual salary of a general dentist in Wichita, Kansas. For the platforms that have not provided a separate median salary value, we have assumed the median to be the same as the mean for them. Based on the inputs in the calculator (please refer attached snapshot), the median annual salary computes to $161,600.