Restaurant Technology Analysis

of one

Restaurant Technology Analysis

All the companies in the list provided solutions that helped restaurants with their online ordering experience. Unfortunately, not all the companies had reported or received funding since their inception. The relevant information has been entered in the attached spreadsheet.


  • SelectDine is a technology solutions provider that aims to help restaurants with their set-up, management, and online dine-in experience.
  • OrderUp is an online ordering platform that provides contactless payment, table ordering, pick-up, and delivery.
  • Chowbus is an online food delivery platform that focuses on servicing Asian restaurants.
  • FoodBoss is an online food and alcohol delivery search engine that uses information from food services companies.
  • Waittr provides a platform where customers can order and pay through their app at select restaurants.

Research Strategy

We began our research by going through the list of companies and verifying whether each one of them provided online dine-in solutions to restaurants. Using their websites, we were able to find that all the restaurants on the list provided solutions that helped restaurants with their online ordering experience. However, not all of them had disclosed their funding. To find their funding we used platforms like Crunchbase and Angel List and also went through their press releases, but some companies still did not provide the amount of funding they received. As a substitution, we tried to provide their revenue but since the majority of the companies were private, in some cases, it was impossible to accurately determine it. In cases like that, we have market columns D to F with N/A.

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