Real Estate Companies in Hampton Roads, VA

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Real Estate Companies in Hampton Roads, VA

The research team has curated a list of seven of the most popular real estate companies in the Virginia Beach / Hampton Roads area. Although market share information is not publicly available for these boutique firms, the research team was able to locate revenue estimates for all seven companies from business data aggregators (e.g., ZoomInfo). Meanwhile, the research team came across the 2019 Hampton Roads Real Estate Market Review & Forecast during the course of this research, and has included this resource for review as helpful (link here).

Selection of Most Popular Real Estate Companies

  • The research team identified the most popular real estate companies in the Virginia Beach / Hampton Roads area based on the consistent ranking of these offices and their agents as the "top" in the locale by business rating services (e.g., Expertise, UpCity), real estate industry experts (e.g., HomeLight, Choice Home Warranty) and customer review aggregators (e.g., Yelp, Google).
  • Notably, each of the real estate companies highlighted below was recognized as one of the most popular and best-rated brands in this specific area by at least three credible resources, with most appearing across four of more inventories.

The Real Estate Group

AtCoastal Realty

  • 74 real estate agents are currently associated with the firm, which earns an annual revenue of $6 million.

Atkinson Realty

  • The firm has associations with approximately 78 real estate agents and has an annual revenue of $20 million.

James & Lee Realty

  • James & Lee Realty (website link here) offers its clients a personalized touch from its office in Virginia Beach, VA.
  • 22 agents are associated with the company, which enjoys an annual revenue of approximately $5 million.

Lonnie Bush Real Estate

  • The company has 38 agents and earns an annual revenue of $6 million.

Rose and Womble Realty

  • In contrast to many of its peers, the firm has a substantial 648 real estate agents and earns an annual revenue of $175 million.

Keene Woods Realty

  • Lastly, Keene Woods Realty (website link here) is a "small, but robust locally-owned real estate company located in Hampton Roads, Virginia."
  • The firm has approximately 21 real estate agents and an annual revenue of $5 million.

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