IT Services Portfolio Managers - Responsibilities

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IT Services Portfolio Managers - Responsibilities

Key Takeaways


This report outlines the responsibilities of IT Services Portfolio Managers who manage software-related services and IP assets. In addition, it includes links to four examples of job descriptions for IT Services Portfolio Managers and a couple of flowcharts related to IT Services Portfolio Management.

IT Services Portfolio Manager - Job Descriptions

Links to additional examples of job descriptions for IT Services Portfolio Managers are given below:

IT Services Portfolio Manager - Responsibilities

An exhaustive list of 32 responsibilities of IT Services Portfolio Managers who manage software-related services and IP assets can be found below. We have included and added to the responsibilities outlined in the initial findings to provide the complete list in this report.

Note: The text in brackets can be replaced with the company name and the relevant team/department names.
  • Set up and maintain a customer management system to monitor customer feedback, satisfaction, and requests related to [the company's] professional services. Understand the needs of customers and work with the relevant teams to tailor services to customers' requirements.
  • Lead and optimize the customer journey and experience for [the company's] professional services. Provide feedback, and when necessary, escalate service and/or process-related issues and key development needs to the appropriate departments.
  • Prepare and communicate business and/or technology alignment plans to the [IT management team], service partners, clients, customers, and other stakeholders.
  • Remain up-to-date with the current and emerging industry trends and best practices.
  • Evaluate and communicate risks associated with investments and purchases related to service management.
  • Collaborate with [IT Managers/Service Owners] to prepare business-case justifications and cost-benefit analyses for new service management initiatives and purchases.
  • Update and coordinate with the [IT leadership] on service portfolio planning, status, performance, prioritization, funding, and approval.

Services Portfolio Management - Flowcharts

Research Strategy

For this research on the responsibilities of IT Services Portfolio Managers who manage software-related services and IP assets, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain including IP Performance, IP Business Academy, and Ubisoft among others.

The software/portfolio service responsibilities for IT Services Portfolio Managers have been compiled after reviewing the functions, roles, and responsibilities for Service Portfolio Managers as well as job postings for IT Service Portfolio Managers by the Unique Personalservice GmbH, City of Gainesville, Ubisoft, Lancaster University, EBSCO, and Swarovski, among others. Responsibilities related to Intellectual Property asset management have been identified after reviewing the functions, roles, and responsibilities of Intellectual Property Managers and Intellectual Property Asset Managers from different industries and shortlisting those that are relevant to the role of IT Services Portfolio Managers.

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