Provide a list of the top 10 largest (by headcount) freelancing / independent contractor platforms globally - platforms or agencies who match clients with individuals and then get out of the way. I'm especially interested in platforms who work wit...

of one

Provide a list of the top 10 largest (by headcount) freelancing / independent contractor platforms globally - platforms or agencies who match clients with individuals and then get out of the way. I'm especially interested in platforms who work with Management Consulting firms.

Hello! Thanks for asking Wonder for the top 10 largest (by headcount) freelancing / independent contractor platforms globally, with a focus on management consulting. The most useful sources I found to response to your query were Owler and Inc. In short, I have listed twelve platforms for independent consultants. Zintro, Flexing It, TalMix, Expertera, Expert360, Business Talent Group, Spare Hire, Toptal, CoMatch, and Quantifye are all freelancing / independent contractor platforms that cater to the management/business consultant sector. Below, please find the results of my research.
Using the business database Owler, I looked for Catalant's competitors, which provided a great starting point for identifying platforms that meet your criteria. Additional searches using terminology adopted from the Owler data led me to additional companies I could investigate. I have provided a list of 12 platforms, ranked by head count. I know you are already familiar with Catalant, but I have included it simply to show where it falls in the size hierarchy.

While Upwork offers freelancers in many different fields, it does include a section for Business and Accountant Consultants. With 12 million freelancers in its database, it is one of the largest independent contractor networks, globally. However, these professionals are not vetted or curated, as are some of the more targeted management consultant platforms listed below.
With "hundreds of thousands of highly specialized experts" in its network, Zintro helps companies access both phone consultation and project-based consultants. They have expert consultants in many industries, including life sciences, manufacturing, energy, engineering, transportation, and more.
Flexing It™ boasts 47,780 consultants in its network. It is a "a curated marketplace that connects organisations to professionals and expertise on an 'on demand' basis for projects, consulting assignments, advisory roles and part-time resource needs." (Note: the number of consultants increased by six between the time I found this platform and when I began writing it up, so apparently they have a dynamic head counter on their website.)

Since you already know about Catalant, I am offering it as an extra entry in the list to show where it fits among the largest companies. Catalant has 37,000 management consultants in its network, making it the fourth-largest in the list, but the third-largest platform among those that target management or business consultants.

TalMix is a platform with over 25,000 vetted business consultants with 3-40 years of experience in over 100 business sectors. They serve over 150 countries. Notable clients include Pfizer, AT Kearney, and Pepsico.

With more than 15,000 vetted business experts on their curated expert platform, Expertera serves over 100 countries and more than 150 industries. Their professionals have assisted in completing over 1,000 projects. Their clients include Parthenon/EY, Garanti, and Is Private Equity.

Expert360 offers a network of more than 10,000 vetted business consultants, including management consultants, financial professional, and other professionals. Notable clients include Bain & Co, Ebay, MasterCard, Virgin, and Coca-Cola.

With its acquisition of SkillBridge in 2016, Toptal added 7,500 finance consultants to its professional network. Notable clients include Hewlett Packard, AirBnb, J.P. Morgan, and Zendesk.

Business Talent Group offers a network of over 5,500 vetted independent business consultants and executives. They offer services in 20 countries and enjoy a 98% customer satisfaction rating. Some 30% of the Fortune 100 are among their clients, which also include private equity and Fortune 1000 firms, as well as global nonprofits.

SpareHire has over 3,000 professionals, including strategy consultants, investment and finance professionals, and marketing experts. Clients include Lateral Investment Management, Ampush, and Millbrook Capital Management.

With over 2,000 consultants in its network, CoMatch uses a matching algorithm to bring together independent business consultants and projects. Clients include CMX Consulting, VayuSense, and Mikron.

While it is the smallest company in the list at 500 vetted consultants, Quantifye specifically focuses on business consultants, 50% of whom have MBAs with an average of 10-13 years of experience, serving 28 industries.

SUMMARY To sum up, the top 12 platforms for independent business consultants are Upwork, Zintro, Flexing It, Catalant, TalMix, Expertera, Expert360, Business Talent Group, Spare Hire, Toptal, CoMatch, and Quantifye. Thanks for using Wonder for your research needs! Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

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