Provide an estimate of 's revenue.

of one

Provide an estimate of 's revenue.

Hello! Thanks for your question about's revenue. The short version is that after searching extensively through financial databases, company reports and their website, trusted new sources, and government filings, I’ve determined that the information you requested is not publicly available because the publishers of, Sussex Publishers, LLC, do not have any public reports detailing their online and print revenue streams. However, I was able to infer their company's total revenue range. Additionally, I learned how many unique monthly visitors go to along with other site statistics that you may find helpful. Below you will find a deep dive of my research and methodology.

I began by looking for any public reports discussing Psychology Today or's total annual revenue. Using various financial databases such as D&B Hoovers, Owler, Manta, GovTribe, and several others. I learned that various revenues under the name "Psychology Today" are published online because offers a database for psychiatrists to list their businesses. Because of this, many individual practices have their revenues reported using Psychology Today's website as the psychiatrist's website. As I continued searching, I learned that Psychology Today is owned by Sussex Publisher's, LLC. Psychology Today and are the majority of Sussex Publishers' business. They also own one other specialized website, but otherwise, their primary focus is Psychology Today in print and online. Using this information, I was able to find consistent revenue reports for Sussex Publishers, LLC though.

Next, I began searching for a revenue model, financial report, or any other insight as to how the revenue for Psychology Today and are split. Unfortunately, there is no detailed information on Sussex Publishers, LLC or Psychology Today's revenue model that is publicly available. However, I was able to find a recent article from Mequoda Daily explaining how online magazines generate revenue using Multiplatform User and Sponsorship Revenue Systems. Additionally, I found a recent statistic reported by Folio Mag explaining the average revenue gained from print and online magazine advertisements. Though there was no financial information on Sussex Publishers, LLC's advertising model, it does provide a general insight into how this revenue is typically split in the magazine industry.

I was able to determine a revenue range for Sussex Publishers, LLC using several company financial databases. Sussex Publications, LLC is located in New York, NY. It has an estimated 21 employees. The CEO's name is Jo Colman, and the Vice Presidents are John Thomas, Batya Lahav, and Crispin Roven.

Manta reports that their total yearly revenue is between $5 million and $10 million. Additionally, GovTribe estimates their revenue near the high end at $10 million. There was no public information detailing what of their revenue comes from their print magazine (Psychology Today) and what comes from their online magazine (

However, I did learn from Folio Mag that "reliance on print advertising has declined from 40 percent of total revenue to 35 percent, and digital has grown from 20 percent of revenue to 25 percent." Assuming that Psychology Today operates off the industry standard for advertising, it is safe to assume that's online advertising generates between $1.25 million and $2.5 million (which is 25 percent of their reported revenue).

That said, there is additional revenue that would be generated by According to Mequoda Daily, multiplatform magazines (e.g., print and online magazines), have several ways of generating revenue. One of which is a "Directory Sponsorship Revenue Generation System," which has. Their directory sponsorship is owned and operated by Sussex Directories, Inc. which generates $1.4 million in annual revenue. Because there is no official revenue model for Sussex Publishes, LLC or Sussex Directories, Inc., it is not possible to say whether the money generated by the Sussex Directories, Inc. directly accounts for any of Sussex Publishers, LLC's online magazine revenue. However, the directory's revenue provides an idea of how much revenue the website is able to generate based on their sponsor's revenue.

Please note that Sussex Directories, Inc. exclusively sponsors and HealthProfs, which is Sussex Publishers, LLC's other database site.

Knowing this, we can say that there is a high possibility that generates a revenue that matches the magazine industry standard of 25 percent revenue for online advertisements. For Sussex Publishers, LLC, this number is between $1.25 million and $2.5 million (25 percent of their total annual revenue). Additionally, we know that their directory sponsorship generates $1.4 million dollars annually. Since is the largest website that Sussex Directories, Inc. sponsors, it is safe to assume that this revenue comes from This brings the estimated revenue range up to between $2.65 million and $3.8 million.
Please note that since there was not more financial information on this company, there may be other factors in how much revenue is generated by, and thus the revenue may be slightly higher or lower than the estimated amount. However, the range presented is the most accurate range that can be determined from public information.

Though I was not able to find the exact revenue for, I was able to find some statistics about their website that you might find helpful. According to their most recent marketing report, has a total audience (including their social media following) of 3,554,200 users. The median age of a user is 48-years-old with an annual income of $86,612. Their number of unique monthly visitors is 13.7 million. Those who visit the site stay on average for 2.4 minutes, and are typically researching depression/anxiety, wellness, healthy sexuality, education, and the brain. posts over 50 new articles everyday and host over a thousand expert bloggers.

To wrap it up, after searching extensively through a public number for was not available, I learned that their likely annual revenue falls somewhere between $2.65 million and $3.8 million.

If you’d like to continue research on any of the other topics I’ve outlined above, just let us know! And as always, thank you for using Wonder!

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