Prospecting for Writers Workshops

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Prospecting for Writers Workshops

Key Takeaways


Well-known authors who are currently providing writing workshops include Neil Gaiman, Susan Orlean, Malcolm Gladwell, Roxane Gay, Steven Heller, David Sedaris, and Amy Tan. They were considered well-known as their works have been on the New York Times bestsellers list. Some of them also write for the New York Times Books Review list. Although any of the four given themes (reflection, gratitude, reckoning, and renewal) were not directly stated as topics in their workshop, we have made some inferences on their workshops' relation to any of these topics based on the definition from the attached document with regard to uncovering ideas and finding their own voice. For each author, we have provided the name, their website/social media profiles, and a brief description of the types of writing workshops they have run in the past or those that are currently running.

Neil Gaiman

  • Neil Gaiman is a New York Times bestselling author.
  • Website link
  • Social Media Profiles:
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  • Instagram Profile Link
  • Description of Writing Workshops:
  • Neil Gaiman imparts lessons on the art of storytelling in his writing workshops. He provides insights into his imaginative storytelling strategy. He also helps his students to discover their unique voices and come up with new storylines. Based on the definitions around the themes provided, the closest theme of his workshops revolves around the theme of reckoning or reflection as he helps his students find their own unique voice.

Susan Orlean

  • Susan Orlean is a New York Times bestselling author.
  • Website link
  • Social Media Profiles:
  • Twitter Page Link
  • Facebook Profile Link
  • Instagram Profile Link
  • Description of Writing Workshop:
  • Susan Orlean offers a writing class in Skillshare where she will help learn various writing processes where students can bring out their innermost thoughts. This topic can be related to a reckoning or reflection theme.

Malcolm Gladwell

  • Malcolm Gladwell is a New York Times bestselling author.
  • Website Link
  • Social Media Profiles:
  • Twitter Page Link
  • Facebook Profile Link
  • Instagram Profile Link
  • Description of Writing Workshops:
  • Malcolm Gladwell's writing workshop offer some insights on how the act of writing can bring out what it meant to be a better person. This workshop can then be classified as having a reflection theme.

Roxane Gay

  • Roxane Gay is a New York Times bestselling author.
  • Website Link
  • Social Media Profiles:
  • Twitter Page Link
  • Facebook Profile Link
  • Instagram Profile Link:
  • Description of Writing Workshops:
  • In her writing workshops, Roxane Gay provides various lessons to help writers find their own unique voice and identity. This can then be classified as a reflections theme.

Steven Heller

  • Steven Heller is a visual writer for the New York Times Book Review column.
  • Website Link
  • Social Media Profiles:
  • Twitter Page Link
  • Facebook Profile Link
  • Instagram Profile Link
  • Description of Writing Workshops:
  • Mr. Heller's writing workshop provides lessons on how writers can develop their own voices and find creative ways to express themselves. This topic can then be classified as a reflections theme.

David Sedaris

  • David Sedaris is a New York Times bestselling author.
  • Website Link
  • Social Media Profiles:
  • Twitter Page Link:
  • Facebook Profile Link
  • Instagram Profile Link:
  • Description of Writing Workshops:
  • David Sedaris holds writing workshops where he teaches his students how to find humor during the low points in life. This writing workshop theme can be classified as reflections.

Amy Tan

  • Amy Tan is a New York Times bestselling author.
  • Website:
  • Social Media Profiles:
  • Twitter Page Link:
  • Facebook Profile Link
  • Pinterest Profile Link:
  • Description of Writing Workshops:
  • Amy Tan's writing workshop helps students in unlocking their powerful memories and finding their own voice to be able to write compelling stories. This theme can then be classified as reflections.

Research Strategy

For this research on well-known authors who are currently providing writing workshops that revolve around any of the given themes, we leveraged the most reputable sources in the public domain such as educational websites (Masterclass, Udemy, Skillshare, etc.), media sources, (Forbes, Insider, etc.), and other relevant sources. Based on this search approach, we were able to identify several well-known authors who have writing workshops that revolve around any of the provided topics (reflection, gratitude, reckoning, and renewal). We considered those who are well-known based on metrics such as if their works have been on the New York Times bestsellers list or if some of them write for the New York Times Books Review list, a prominent book review site. Although any of the four given themes were not directly stated as topics in their workshop, we have made some inferences on their workshops' relation to any of these topics based on the definition from the attached document with regard to uncovering ideas and finding their own voice.

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