Product Manager Candidates: New York City

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Product Manager Candidates: New York City

This spreadsheet has been populated with the details of individuals that have worked in the following companies within the past five years: Flatiron Health, Cedar Health, Zocdoc, MongoDB, Datadog, One Medical, Komodo Health, Change Healthcare, Oscar Health, Talkspace, Calm, Medidata, Healthline, AppNexus, Oak Street Health, Hims, Ro, Roman Health, Quartet Health, Ask Wonder, Peloton, Aircall, Asana, Pager, Kyruus, Spotify, and Betterment. These individuals should have had one of these roles within the past four years: Product Manager, Product Owner, Lead Product Manager, or Senior Product Manager located in New York.

LinkedIn Profiles

  • This research utilized LinkedIn's Sales Navigator to identify the individuals that would meet these search criteria. After identifying them, the research team accessed each profile to populate the attached spreadsheet with the details: name, company, position, schools attended, and previously held professional positions.
  • To offer additional insight, this document provides screenshots of the total count of individuals meeting these criteria and the filters applied as requested.

Research Strategy

Our research team was tasked with the responsibility of finding individuals that held the roles as described in the introduction. In order to ensure that we meet these criteria, our research team accounted for all the companies listed, the job roles provided, against those that should have worked/are working in these positions within the past 4 years. To address the time criteria, we had to use the filter options available. In this case, we selected all the filters that would cover the past four years. By doing this, we had to include the option of "3 to 5 years" as well.

This research does not only provide the name of the individual, the company name and the LinkedIn profiles, it highlights the person's highest level of education, where they went to college/university, and recent and relevant professional roles they held.

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