Price changes

of one

Price changes

After extensive searching, we found that the information that you are looking for is not available. In order to provide an answer to your request we have used the websites Keepa and CamelCamelCamel to find and track price information on a variety of selected products over a period of 14 days. The Methodology used is explained below.

We identified two good types of sources that give information about prices changes. The first type are price intelligence and monitoring companies such as Competitoor and Prisync. But data from these companies is behind paywalls.
We also, found companies such as CamelCamelCamel, Keepa, PricePirates, and The Tracktor that provide price tracking for products listed on (US website). These websites or apps are basically used by consumers to track the prices of products they intend to buy. But these companies also provide historical price data on their websites. We have used a sample of this historical data to answer the client's question. Note that the availability of free historical data is limited and requires a free registration.
We have used the websites CamelCamelCamel and Keepa to extract daily price data over a period of 14 days. The period of 14 days is within Jan 27 2018 and Feb 26 2018. We have picked 5 product categories and 6 best selling products in those categories. For each product after inputting the price trend over the 14 days, the following data has been calculated:
1. Average Price during the period
2. Highest Price during the period
3. Lowest Price during the period
4. (Highest Price - Average Price) / Average Price %
5. (Lowest Price - Average Price) / Average Price %
6. No of times price changes (in days)
7. Average Price Change %
8. No of times price declines (in days)
9. Percent of the time Price Declines = Number of times price declines (in days) / 14 days
10. Average Price Decline %
The product categories are Cell Phone/Accessories, Appliances, Automotive, Electronics and Collectibles/Fine Art. The products chosen are the Apple iPhone 6, Capparis Kitchen, Tri-Lynx Lynx Levelers, Dell Ultra HD 4k Monitor, SanDisk Extreme and Seiko Men's SNK805 Watch.

The average price decline percentage and percent of time price declines, for a sample set of items listed on over a period of 14 days are as follows:
Apple iPhone (-1.0%, 93%)
Capparis Kitchen Cover (-17.1%, 7%)
Tri-Lynx Lynx Bundle (-4.5%, 36%)
Dell Monitor (-2.7%, 21%)
SanDisk (-3.8%, 50%)
Seiko Men's Watch (-3.8%, 64%)
The average of above values is -5.5% and 45.2%. This means that for the sample set average price decline was -5.5% and percent of time price declined was 45.2% or 6.3 days (out of 14 days).
There is high variability in the data. Prices for some products, such as IPhone and Sandisk, change on a daily basis whereas prices for products such as, Capparis Kitchen and Tri-Lynx Lynx, change less frequently.
Moreover % price change for products that witness frequent price change is low whereas % price change for products that witness infrequent price change is high.


Product: Apple iPhone 6 Unlocked Smartphone, 16 GB (Gold)
Category: Cell Phone and Accessories
Period: Jan 27 - Feb 9 2018
Avg Price: 215.36
High Price: 229.81
Low Price: 201.20
High/Avg % var: 6.7%
Low/Avg % var: -6.6%
# of time price changed: 13
avg price change %: -1.0%
# of time price declined: 13
Percent of the time Price Declines: 93%
avg price decline %: -1.0%

Product: Capparis Kitchen Silicone Stove Counter Gap Cover
Category: Appliances
Period: Feb 13 - Feb 26 2018
Avg Price: 9.83
High Price: 9.95
Low Price: 8.25
High/Avg % var: 1.2%
Low/Avg % var: -16.1%
# of time price changed: 1
avg price change %: -1.3%
# of time price declined: 1
Percent of the time Price Declines: 7%
avg price decline %: -17.1%

Product: Tri-Lynx Lynx Levelers, Cap and Wheel Chock Bundle
Category: Automotive
Period: Feb 13 - Feb 26 2018
Avg Price: 70.41
High Price: 78.20
Low Price: 66.20
High/Avg % var: 11.1%
Low/Avg % var: -6.0%
# of time price changed: 7
avg price change %: -0.7%
# of time price declined: 5
Percent of the time Price Declines: 36%
avg price decline %: -4.5%

Product: Dell Ultra HD 4k Monitor P2715Q 27-Inch Screen LED-Lit Monitor
Category: Electronics
Period: Feb 13 - Feb 26 2018
Avg Price: 422.06
High Price: 435.00
Low Price: 399.9
High/Avg % var: 3.1%
Low/Avg % var: -5.3%
# of time price changed: 4
avg price change %: -0.6%
# of time price declined: 3
Percent of the time Price Declines: 21%
avg price decline %: -2.7%

Product: SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB
Category: Electronics
Period: Feb 13 - Feb 26 2018
Avg Price: 34.5
High Price: 35.8
Low Price: 31.8
High/Avg % var: 3.8%
Low/Avg % var: -7.8%
# of time price changed: 13
avg price change %: 0.1%
# of time price declined: 7
Percent of the time Price Declines: 50%
avg price decline %: -3.8%

Product: Seiko Men's SNK805 Seiko 5 Automatic Stainless Steel
Category: Collectibles and Fine Art
Period: Feb 13 - Feb 26 2018
Avg Price: 55.16
High Price: 64.5
Low Price: 51.20
High/Avg % var: 16.9%
Low/Avg % var: -7.2%
# of time price changed: 13
avg price change %: 0.0%
# of time price declined: 9
Percent of the time Price Declines: 64.9%
avg price decline %: -3.8%

The above data shows the price drops for six products over the required 14 day period. If you are interested in further details we can provide analysis on individual products or categories from these websites.

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