Political Action Committees (PACs) - Media Spend

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Political Action Committees (PACs) - Media Spend

Twenty SuperPACs that spent huge sums of money so far on the 2020 presidential election cycle include Democrat/liberal-supporting PACs like Persist PAC, American Bridge 21st Century, and Act Now On Climate, among others, while Republican/conservative-supporting PACs include Faith & Power PAC, House Freedom Action, and Restoration PAC, among others.

In the 2016 presidential election cycle, 24 PACs spent more than $10 M on campaigns. These include Democrat/liberal-supporting PACs like Persist PAC, American Bridge 21st Century, and Act Now On Climate, among others, while Republican/conservative-supporting PACs include Right to Rise USA, Senate Leadership Fund, and Conservative Solutions PAC, among others.

2020 Presidential Election Spending by-PAC (To-Date)

  • Twenty more PACs that spent large sums of money on campaigns and media for those campaigns include the following, all of which are detailed on the 2020 Spend Tab (Rows 13 – 32) of the spreadsheet.
  • Persist PAC (D) spent $14.8 M, with $1.95 going to total media spend.
  • American Bridge 21st Century (D) spent $8.5 M, with $6.3 M going to web ads.
  • Faith & Power PAC (R) spent $2.9 M, with all of it going to total media spend.
  • House Freedom Action (R) spent $1.8 M, with nearly $500 K going to web ads.
  • Act Now On Climate (D) spent $1.8 M, with $979 K going to total media spend.
  • 1820 PAC (R) spent $1.7 M, with $675 K on going to total media spend.
  • Restoration PAC (R) spent $1.6 M, with $402 K going to web ads.
  • Americans for Prosperity Action (R) spent $1.5 M, with $227 K going to web ads.
  • Americas PAC spent $1.5 M, with $3100 going to web ads.
  • Forward California (D) spent $1.4 M, with $936 K going to web ads.
  • Protect Freedom PAC (R) spent $1.3 M, with $80 K going to web ads.
  • Women Vote! (D) spent $1.2 M, with $994 K going to total media spend.
  • Better Future Michigan (R) spent $999 K, with an unspecified amount going to total media spend and web ads.
  • United We Win (D) spent $936 K, with $662 K going to web ads.
  • Alliance for a Better Minnesota (D) spent $921 K, with an unspecified amount going to total media spend and web ads.
  • Illinois Conservatives PAC (R) spent $910 K, with an unspecified amount going to total media spend and web ads.
  • Fix Congress Now (R) spent $805K, with $25 K going to web ads.
  • Vote Nurses Values PAC (D) spent $733 K, with $198 K going to web ads.
  • EDF Action Votes (D) spent $674 K, with $633 K going to total media spend.
  • MATH PAC (D) spent $476 K, with $149 K going to web ads.

2016 Presidential Election Spending by-PAC

  • Twenty-four SuperPACs spent over $10 M on the 2016 presidential elections, all of which are detailed on the 2016 Spend Tab (Rows 2 – 25) of the spreadsheet.
  • Priorities USA Action (D) spent over $133.4 M on the 2016 election.
  • Right to Rise USA (R) spent nearly $87 M.
  • Senate Leadership Fund (R) spent nearly $86 M.
  • Senate Majority PAC (D) spent over $75.4 M.
  • Conservative Solutions PAC (R) spent more than $55 M.
  • House Majority PAC (D) spent more than $47 M.
  • Congressional Leadership Fund (R) spent more than $40 M.
  • Women Vote! (D) spent over $33 M.
  • Freedom Partners Action Fund (R) spent nearly $30 M.
  • Granite State Solutions (R) spent more than $24 M.
  • Future45 (R) spent more than $24 M.
  • Rebuilding America Now (R) spent more than $21 M.
  • Club for Growth Action (R) spent more than $19 M.
  • America Leads (R) spent more than $18.5 M.
  • Our Principles PAC (R) spent more than $18 M.
  • League of Conservation Voters (D) spent nearly $16 M.
  • Ending Spending Action Fund (R) spent nearly $15 M.
  • United We Can (D) spent nearly $14 M.
  • Make America Number 1 (R) spent more than $13 M.
  • Independence USA PAC (D) spent more than $13 M.
  • NextGen California Action (D) spent more than $13 M.
  • Planned Parenthood Votes (D) spent nearly $13 M.
  • New Day for America (R) spent more than $11 M.
  • National Association of Realtors spent over $10 M. Notably, this is the only group in this spending range that is non-partisan.

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