Polished Diamonds Auctions and Tenders

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Polished Diamonds Auctions and Tenders

Key Takeaways

  • ALROSA is one of the leading companies in world mining and holds an international auction of diamonds. ALROSA is a private organization that holds polished diamond auctions in Israel.
  • Rapaport hosts polished diamond auctions in various countries such as New York, Israel, and Hong Kong.
  • Grib Diamonds is a Belgian private company offering diamond auctions. Its diamond auctions cover rough and polished diamonds.


This research presents companies or organizations offering auctions and tenders for polished diamonds. These organizations include Sotheby's, De Beers Group, ALROSA, Rapaport, and Grib Diamonds. The details are outlined below.


De Beers Group



  • Rapaport Group is a private organization with a network of international companies that offer services geared towards "the development of fair, transparent, efficient, and competitive diamond and jewelry markets."
  • Rapaport Auction is conducted monthly in its diamond trading centers globally.
  • Rapaport hosts polished diamond auctions in various countries such as New York, Israel, and Hong Kong.
  • Rapaport Auctions can be contacted through its landline number at +1-800-488-9108. One may also contact them through a contact form on its website, which can be accessed here.

Grib Diamonds

  • Grib Diamonds is a Belgian private company offering diamond auctions. Its diamond auctions cover rough and polished diamonds. Grib Diamonds conducts two auctions a year for 10.8+ carats of stones.
  • Grib Diamonds has auctions in Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Grib Diamonds can be contacted through its phone number, +32-32261321.

Research Strategy

For this research on polished diamonds auctions and tenders, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information in the public domain, including Arts and Collections, Reuters, DnB, and Diamonds.

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