of one
Parenting Services Market
There is no evidence in the public domain that market size data pertaining to parental coaching, parent services, family coaching, or the mom economy exists globally nor for individual regions including the U.S., UK, France, or Europe. Industry articles and reports explain the market is highly fragmented with untrained and incompetent coaches resulting from an unregulated industry. Research points to this market as a segment or sub-market of the life coaching market, the personal coaching industry, or health coaches, which includes family services.
Helpful Findings
- The U.S. life coach market was estimated at $1 billion this year and employs approximately 17,600 people.
- However, the Life Coaching Training Institute reports "There are currently 20,000 coaches in the U.S. taking home a sum total of over $2 billion."
- USA Today estimated the personal coaching market at $1.9 billion for 2019.
- Referencing the International Coach Federation, MarketResearch estimated the U.S. personal coaching market would reach $1.38 billion by 2022, slightly contradicting the USA Today data.
- "The main governing body that provides credentials for the coaching industry is the International Coach Federation (ICF). As of 2017, they had nearly 31,000 members in 138 countries. They also have more than 130 chapters in 70 countries."
- In addition, the ICF estimates there were 53,300 coaches globally in 2011 from all coaching segments, excluding sports coaches.
- Functional Medicine Coaching Academy reports an estimated 109,000 health coaches, which includes individual and family services.
- A 2019 study reported a total of 4,300 free parenting apps available in the Google Play Store.
- Baby Center estimates 400 million expecting parents use their pregnancy tracking app.
- According to Zip Recruiter, the estimated average salary of a parent coach in the Los Angeles area is $46,684.
- "Life coaching is an unregulated industry."
- There are some paywall reports covering the coaching industry and its sub-segments including by the ICF. "The 2020 ICF Global Coaching Study (GCS) quantifies the size and value of the coaching industry worldwide and by region."
Research Strategy
In addition to direct general research, each individual region was researched. All sources found explain the parental coaching market is a smaller subset of a larger market. No recent studies provide the market size for the specific industry segment, with the exception of potentially the new 2020 ICF Global Coaching Study. Individual stats for smaller regions within the countries of study were also researched with the intention of identifying the largest markets for parental coaching and summing the markets together in an attempt to calculate the larger regional market size.