of one
Overuse Injuries of the Hand
The closest information that could be provided is a list of four hand surgeons who are currently practicing medicine in California, have extensive experience in the field, and have published peer-reviewed articles in the past ten years. Dr. Leonard Gordon, Dr. Orrin Franko, Dr. Joshua Gordon, and Dr. David Slutsky, whose details are shown in the attached spreadsheet, are four examples of these hand surgeons. As hand surgeons, they specialize in treating arm, finger, hand, or wrist problems, including repetitive stress injuries or overuse injuries.
- Dr. Leonard Gordon is currently a practicing surgeon, specializing in hand and microsurgery, at the California Pacific Medical Center and at the Hand and Microsurgery Medical Group.
- Dr. Orrin Franko is currently an orthopedic hand surgeon at the East Bay Hand Medical Center in San Leandro, California, an orthopedic hand fellow at Mary S. Stern Hand Fellowship, and an orthopedic surgery resident at University of California, San Diego.
- Dr. Joshua Gordon is currently an orthopedic surgeon at the Hand and Microsurgery Medical Group in San Francisco, California.
- Dr. Slutsky is currently a hand, wrist, and peripheral nerve surgeon with his own solo private practice in Torrance, California.
- As can be seen in the attached spreadsheet, these four hand surgeons have published peer-reviewed articles in the past ten years.
Research Strategy
Identifying three to five California-based physicians who have published in a peer-reviewed journal on the subject of overuse injuries of the hand over the past five to ten years proved difficult. Finding publications that tackle overuse injuries, which are just another term for repetitive stress injuries, was easy, but identifying ones that were published by a California-based physician was hard. Databases of scholarly literature do not have features that allow users to filter articles by author location. A media scan also did not turn up relevant names.
Since it is important for the physicians to be based in California and the ultimate goal is to find the best doctors for repetitive stress injuries in hands, we figured that the best way to approach the problem is to start by finding the best California-based hand surgeons and consulting lists of such surgeons. Overuse injuries or repetitive stress injuries, anyway, are treated by hand surgeons.
The method that worked best for us in the end was finding California-based hand surgeons, checking which ones have extensive experience in both practice and research, and checking their publications for articles about overuse injuries in general or individual overuse injuries. With this method, we were able to find four California-based physicians who specialize in the treatment of hand problems and have published peer-reviewed articles in the past ten years. While their peer-reviewed articles do not necessarily contain the phrase "overuse injuries," they focus on hand and upper extremity problems, including overuse injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis. Many of these peer-reviewed articles were published in the Journal of Hand Surgery, a peer-reivewed journal.