Oncology Data Sources - China

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Oncology Data Sources - China

Key Takeaways


We have provided five examples of data sources related to disease incidence, prevalence and trend of cancer in the Chinese population, cancer diagnosis, and patient treatment in the attached spreadsheet. Below are some of our findings.

Selected Findings

  • The Global Cancer Observatory provides a cancer profile for countries of the world. The most recent data for China is for 2020, with information on the incidence (4,568,754), the prevalence (9,294,006), and mortality (3,002,899.) Cancer incidence and mortality figures are presented annually, while prevalence is every five years (2016-2020.) The data is reported at a national level.
  • The Global Cancer Observatory profile for China presents incidence, prevalence, and mortality for cancer types/cancer sites with the highest number of new cases, such as "lung, stomach, breast, liver, oesophagus, colon, rectum, thyroid, pancreas, prostate, cervix uteri, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, bladder, Leukaemia, Corpus uteri, brain, central nervous system, kidney, nasopharynx, ovary, lip, oral cavity, larynx, gallbladder, multiple myeloma, salivary glands, melanoma of the skin, Hodgkin lymphoma, hypopharynx, oropharynx, anus, penis, testis, vulva, mesothelioma, vagina, and Kaposi sarcoma."
  • The National Cancer Registry in China aggregates all cancer-related data and diagnoses in China from multiple sources like hospitals, community health centers, and local cancer registries to form one central database with all the data about cancer in China. The cancer registry in China has been publishing annual reports since 2004.

Research Strategy

We searched through credible sources in the public domain, such as research reports and statistics sources that report on oncology data. We also searched through news sources that report on the state/burden of cancer in China. We then consulted the original data sources cited in the reports and news sources to establish if they satisfy or relate to the criteria given, i.e., data sources that provide information on the prevalence and trend of cancer in the Chinese population, claims or treatment information for all patients with a given cancer or tumor, site of care (hospital, office) treatment, and sales or market share data for oncology products.

While we found data sources on cancer incidence and prevalence in China, we did not find any data sources that provide a breakdown of the sales of oncology products in China or data sources that provide information on claims or treatment for all patients with a given cancer or tumor The only available sources provide the market size of oncology products in China and the top market players. However, we found this paywalled report that provides a list of major secondary healthcare databases in China, such as administrative claims and electronic health records that can be used to generate real-world healthcare evidence.

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