of one
Number of Medical Staff and Continuing Education Credits
Nurses: Numbers in the United States
- There are 2.86 million registered nurses (RN) in the United States.
- There are 290,000 nurse practitioners (NP) licensed in the United States.
- There are 697,510 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in the United States.
Nursing CE requirements vary by State and type of nurse.
- Contact hours refer to the stated amount of time an individual is present during a course. One contact hour can equal 50-60 minutes of class time depending on the state
- ALABAMA: 24 contact hours every 2 years for RNs; NP varies-See Board of Nursing website; 24 contact hours every 2 years for LPNs
- ALASKA: RN: Every 2 years: 2 of the 3 are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment; NP: Maintain national certification for each of the roles and population focus areas in which the applicant is seeking renewal. If the applicant holds prescriptive authority: 1) 12 contact hours of continuing education in advanced pharmacotherapeutics. 2) 12 contact hours of continuing education in clinical management of patients; LVN: Every 2 years: two of the following three are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment.
- ARIZONA: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- ARKANSAS: For RN, NP, and LVN, 15 contact hours every 2 years OR hold a current nationally recognized certification/re certification OR complete one college credit hour course in nursing with a grade of 2.0 or above.
- CALIFORNIA: For RN, NP, and LVN, 30 contact hours every two years.
- COLORADO: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- CONNECTICUT: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- DC: For RN, 24 contact hours every 2 years; NP, 24 contact hours every 2 years which includes 15 of the required 24 hours in pharmacology for the applicant’s current area of practice; LVN, no CE Required.
- DELAWARE: RN,30 contact hours every 2 years; NP, 30 contact hours every 2 years (for RN licensure) and 3 hours of substance abuse CE; LVN, 24 contact hours every 2 years.
- FLORIDA: RN, 24 contact hours of every 2 years: including 2 hours for medical errors, and 2 hours for FL Laws and Rules. 1 hour HIV/AIDS training (first renewal only.)2 additional hours of domestic violence CE every third renewal for a total of 26 hours; NP, 27 hours of every 2 years: including 2 hours for medical errors, 2 hours for FL Laws and Rules, and 3 hours for Prescription of Controlled Substances. 1 hour HIV/AIDS training (first renewal only.) 2 additional hours of domestic violence CE every third renewal for a total of 29 hours; LVN, 24 hours of every 2 years: including 2 hours for medical errors, and 2 hours for FL Laws and Rules. 1 hour HIV/AIDS training (first renewal only.) 2 additional hours of domestic violence CE every third renewal for a total of 26 hours.
- GEORGIA: RN, every 2 years, 5 different options - See State Board website; NP, see state board website; LVN, every 2 years, 5 different options - See State Board website.
- HAWAII: RN, every 2 years, 5 different options - varies by specialty, see State Board website; NP, varies by specialty, see state board website; LVN every 2 years, 5 different options - See State Board website.
- IDAHO: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- ILLINOIS: RN and LVN, 20 contact hours every two years; NP, 50 contact hours every two years.
- INDIANA: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- IOWA: RN, 36 contact hours every 3 years. RNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children must complete 2 contact hours of training related to child/dependent adult abuse;NP, 36 contact hours every 3 years and maintain current certification in specialty. ARNPs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children must also complete 2 contact hours of training related to child/dependent adult abuse; LPN, 36 contact hours every 3 years. LPNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children must complete 2 contact hours of training related to child/dependent adult abuse.
- KANSAS: For RN, NP, and LVN, 30 contact hours every 2 years.
- KENTUCKY: For RN, NP, and LVN, 14 contact hours every year or other approved, equivalent activity.
- LOUISIANA: For RN and NP, every year: 5 contact hours with 1600 practice hours, OR 10 contact hours with 160 practice hours, OR 15 contact hours; LVN, no CE Required.
- MAINE: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- MARYLAND: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- MASSACHUSETTS: RN and LVN, 15 contact hours every 2 years; NP, 15 contact hours every 2 years and maintain current certification through a national certifying organization.
- MICHIGAN: For RN, NP, and LVN, 25 contact hours every 2 years including 1 hour on pain and symptom management.
- MINNESOTA: RN and LVN, 24 contact hours every 2 years; NP, 24 contact hours every 2 years (for RN licensure) and maintain licensure as an APRN through a national certifying body.
- MISSISSIPPI: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- MISSOURI: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- MONTANA: RN and LVN, 24 contact hours every 2 years; NP, varies by specialty-see website.
- NEBRASKA: RN and LVN, 20 contact hours every 2 years, plus 500 practice hours every 5 years; NP, 40 contact hours every 2 years, plus 500 practice hours every 5 years.
- NEVADA: RN and LVN, 30 contact hours every two years. including the state-required bio terrorism course; NP, 30 contact hours every two years. including the state-required bio terrorism course. Additional 15 contact hours directly related to specialty and 15 contact hours in pharmacology.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE: RN and LVN, 30 contact hours every 2 years and 400 practice hours every 4 years; NP, 60 contact hours including 30 hours in specialty certification and 5 hours of Pharmacology AND 400 practice hours every 4 years.
- NEW JERSEY: For RN, NP, and LVN, 30 contact hours every 2 years.
- NEW MEXICO: RN, 30 contact hours every 2 years; NP, 30 contact hours every two years (for RN licensure) plus 20 additional contact hours for CNP/CNS license; LPNs are required to complete 30 hours of approved CE within the 24 months immediately preceding expiration of license.
- NEW YORK: RN, 3 contact hours infection control every 4 years; 2 contact hours child abuse (one time requirement for initial license); NP, 3 contact hours infection control every 4 years; 2 contact hours child abuse (one time requirement for initial license). Maintain specialty certification; LVN, 3 contact hours infection control every 4 years.
- NORTH CAROLINA: RN and LVN, One of the following every two years: 15 contact hours and 640 hours of active practice, OR National certification or re-certification, OR 30 contact hours, OR completion of refresher course. Completion 2 semester hours of post-licensure academic education, OR 15 contact hours plus various other nursing-related activities; NP, varies based on specialty. See website for further details.
- NORTH DAKOTA: For RN, NP, and LVN, 12 contact hours every two years.
- OHIO: RN and LVN, 24 contact hours every 2 years; NP varies based on certification, see website.
- OKLAHOMA: RN and LVN, 24 contact hours every 2 years; NP varies based on certification, see website.
- OREGON: For RN, NP, and LVN, one-time requirement for 7 hours of pain management-related CE. One hour must be a course to be provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission . Once this requirement is fulfilled, there is no additional CE requirements for renewal.
- PENNSYLVANIA: RN, 30 contact hours every two years; NP, 30 contact hours every two years. For Prescriptive Authority, 16 of the 30 hours of Board-approved CE in pharmacology; LVN, no CE Required.
- RHODE ISLAND: For RN, NP, and LVN, 10 contact hours every 2 years including 2 hours of substance abuse CE.
- SOUTH CAROLINA: For RN, NP, and LVN, 30 contact hours every 2 years. May also show proof of competence by maintenance of certification by a national certifying body, completion of an academic program, or employer certification.
- SOUTH DAKOTA: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- TENNESSEE: RN, 5 contact hours every year for practicing nurses. Must be accompanied by two documents verifying competence or 10 contact hours annually for those not practicing and one additional document verifying competence; NP, 5 contact hours every year for practicing nurses and two additional contact hours on controlled substance prescribing practices. One additional document to prove competence; LVN, 5 contact hours for practicing nurses accompanied by two documents verifying competence or 10 contact hours for those not practicing and one additional document verifying competence.
- TEXAS: For RN, NP, and LVN, 20 contact hours every 2 years. Several mandatory CE requirements such as Nursing Jurisprudence, Ethics, Geriatric Care, and Forensic Collection.
- UTAH: RN and LVN, one of the following every 2 years: 30 contact hours, OR 200 practice hours and 15 contact hours, OR 400 practice hours; NP, One of the following every 2 years: 30 contact hours, OR 200 practice hours and 15 contact hours, OR 400 practice hours. APRN’s must also complete 8 hours of medication-related CE.
- VERMONT: RN and LVN, no CE required; NP, varies by specialty.
- VIRGINIA: RN and LVN, 15 contact hours every 2 years; NP, varies by specialty.
- WASHINGTON: RN and LVN, 45 hours of CE Every 3 years; NP, varies by specialty.
- WEST VIRGINIA: RN, 12 contact hours every year. Must include best prescribing and drug diversion training if licensee prescribes, administers, or dispenses controlled substances. Also mandatory training for mental health conditions common to veterans and their families; NP, 24 hours every two years with 12 hours in pharmacotherapeutics and 12 hours in the clinical management of patients. 12 of these hours may count toward CE requirement for RN license; LVN, 24 contact hours every two years.
- WISCONSIN: For RN, NP, and LVN, no CE Required.
- WYOMING: RN and LVN, one of the following: 500 practice hours in the last 2 years 1600 practice hours in the last 5 years 20 contact hours in the last 2 years Completion of a refresher course in the last 5 years Certification in a specialty area of nursing practice by a national accrediting agency in the last 5 years, Pass the NCLEX in the last 5 years; NP, one of the following: Current National Certification OR 60 contact hours every 2 years AND 400 hours of employment as an APRN in specialty of advanced practice Prescriptive Authority: 5 contact hours every 2 years in pharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, or drug therapy.
Nursing CE Cost
- Some hours can be completed at no cost or for under $50.
First Responders: Numbers in the United States
- Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), paramedics, firefighters, and police officers are all considered first responders.
- An estimated 4.6 million people serve as career and volunteer first responders.
First Responders CE Requirements
- The EMR National Continued Competency Program (NCCP) requires a total of 16 hours of continuing education to re certify Airway/Respiration/Ventilation: 1 Hour, Cardiovascular: 2.5 Hours, Trauma: 0.5 Hour, Medical: 3 Hours, Operations: 1 Hour, Local or State Component: 4 Hours, Individual Component: 4 Hours.
First Responders CE Cost
- In all states other than Ohio, and Indiana, the cost is $35 per person per year to access 200 hours of CE.
- In Ohio and Indiana, the cost is $20 per person per year to access 200 hours of CE.
Physician Assistants: Numbers in the United States
- There are 139,000 Physician Assistants (PA) in the United States.
PA CME Requirements
- PAs must complete Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits.
- 10-year certification maintenance process includes five two-year cycles during which all certified PAs must log 100 CME credits online.
- Cost varies depending on the class being taken; prices generally range between $20 to $50 per credit hour.
Dental Hygienists: Numbers in the United States
- There are approximately 150,000 registered dental hygienists in the United States.
Dental Hygienists CE Requirements and Cost
- ALABAMA: $75/year; 12hrs. self-study; 8hrs. of volunteer work at an AL nonprofit (1 credit per 4 hrs.); 4 hrs/year; Max. 8hrs CE/day; CPR max. 4 years; 2hrs infectious disease control; Max. 3hrs. of practice management; Max. 8hrs. insurance, gov. relations, tort liability, and risk mgmt; Max. 12hrs. restorative study.
- ALASKA: $150(addt. $60 for anesthesia); No limit on self-study; Teaching credit permitted; Up to 2 hrs. of volunteer service in dental setting permitted; CPR (up to 4 hrs.); Maximum of 3 hrs. practice or risk management.
- ARIZONA: $300; Min. 31 hours in Dental and medical health, and dental hygiene services, periodontal disease, care of implants, maintenance of cosmetic restorations and sealants, radiology safety and techniques managing medical emergencies, pain management, dental record keeping dental public health, and new concepts in dental hygiene; 3 hrs. CPR health care provider; 3 hrs. infectious disease; 3 hrs. chemical dependency, tobacco cessation, ethics risk management or jurisprudence; Max. 14hrs. in dental hygiene practice organization and mgmt., patient mgmt. skills, and methods of health care delivery
- ARKANSAS: $100; Self-study permitted, no limit; Up to 6 hrs. credit for teaching in dental/dental hygiene dental assisting program; Up to 6 hrs. credit for publishing first paper; Off-campus clinical supervisors/clinical instruction supervisors in a CODA accredited program may receive 1 CE per 8 hrs. of supervision CPR; 1hr. infection control.
- CALIFORNIA: $160; 12 ½ hrs. self-study; Up to 5 hrs. non-clinical topics; Participation as WREB examiner or site-visitor; CPR/BLS (max 4hrs.); 2hrs. infection control; 2hrs. CA Dental Practice Act.
- COLORADO: $90; 16 of 30 hours must be clinical or science based; 50% of hours must be live and interactive; Can receive max of 6 hours for presenting; BLS (max. 2hrs.).
- CONNECTICUT: $105; Self-study not permitted; Not more than 4 hours of CE can be earned online or through distance learning; 8 hours of volunteer practice at a public health facility may be substituted for 1 hour of CE; Max 5 hours per 2 year period; CT Practice Act; 1 hr min. Infection Control; 1 hr min. Cultural Competency.
- DC: $136(+$25 local anesthesia); Up to 8hrs. self-study permitted; CPR; 2 hrs. infection control.
- DELAWARE: $66; Up to 5hrs. self-study permitted; Max 5 hrs. /year for teaching; Max 5 hrs. /year for presenting; 12 hours for publishing in a scientific journal; Practice management/personal self-improvement limited to 5 hrs. over the 2 years; CPR; 2hrs. infection control.
- FLORIDA: $85/2 years; Board-approved self-study permitted; Credit for volunteer services; teaching in accredited programs; participation in board disciplinary peer review in proceedings; CPR (not included); 2hrs. domestic violence every 3rd biennium; 2hrs. medical error.
- GEORGIA: $85; Up to 11hrs. self-study permitted; At least 15hrs. must be scientifically-based; Can receive 1 hr. per 4 hrs. of uncompensated indigent care; CPR (up to 4hrs.).
- HAWAII: $164; Up to 10hrs. of self-study permitted; Min. 11hrs. of clinical courses; Max. 4hrs. volunteering; BLS/CPR (max. 4hrs., does not count towards clinical courses.); Eithics (2 hrs.).
- IDAHO: $150; Unlimited self-study permitted.Up to 10hrs. volunteer work; CPR.
- ILLINOIS: $150; No more than 50% correspondence courses; No more than 50% through teaching CE courses; Up to 2hrs. presenting volunteer community oral health education programs; CPR.
- INDIANA: $70; Up to 9.5hrs. self-study permitted; 9.5hrs. live study required; No more than 5 hours on practice management; CPR (up to 2hrs.); 2hrs. Law & Ethics.
- IOWA: $200 (addt. $70 for anesthesia license); Up to 12hrs. self-study permitted; CPR (up to 3hrs.); Abuse identification/reporting (every 5 years); 6hrs. on sedation if you hold a sedation permit.
- KANSAS: $125; Unlimited self-study permitted; Max 10 hrs. for presenting, lecturing, teaching; CPR (up to 4hrs. towards CE); 1hr. ethics.
- KENTUCKY: $125; Up to 10hrs. of self-study permitted; All public health RDHs must complete 5 CE hours in the area of public health or public health dentistry; CPR; 2hrs. HIV/AIDS course every 10 years towards CE; Min. 3hrs. of medical emergency CE for RDH w/general supervision privileges and public health RDHs.
- LOUISIANA: $220 (+$50 each for local anesthesia & nitrous oxide); Up to 12 hrs. self-study permitted; 12 hrs. must be clinically focused, 6 hrs. of which must be live, with the remaining able to be self-study but require a written post-test; No more than 4 hours per biennial for pro bono treatment of donated dental service patient; CPR (required for general supervision up to 3 hrs. credit).
- MAINE: $175; Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted; Min. 20hrs Category I credits; CPR (up to 3hrs.).
- MARYLAND: $182; up to 17 hrs. self-study permitted; Up to 8 hrs. voluntary dental hygiene service permitted; CPR Infection control up to 2hrs. (every cycle).Abuse and neglect up to2 hrs. (every other cycle).
- MASSACHUSETTS: $60/2 years; Up to 10hrs. self-study permitted; Max of 5 hours as faculty member or research appointee at a CODA approved school; Max of 10 hours for publications and presentations; Max 2.5 hrs. for pro-bono service; Max 2 hrs. for non-clinical practice related courses; CPR for anesthesia; Infection control.
- MICHIGAN: $75; Up to 10hrs. self-study permitted; 12 to 25 hrs. for publications; 12 of 36 hours must be live attendance; CPR 12 hrs. must be clinical; Required 1 hr. in pain management; 1 hr. on human trafficking.
- MINNESOTA: $150; 10 hrs. elective (self-study and volunteer activities) permitted; 15 hrs. fundamental required; CPR towards CE; Self-assessment exam towards CE.
- MISSISSIPPI: $150/year; Up to 5hrs. self-study permitted; Unlimited self-study permitted; 25 hrs. directly related to the updating and maintaining of knowledge and skills in the treatment, health, and safety of the individual dental patient; 1 hr. CE for every 1hr. of academic/clinical instruction; 10hr./year for full-time academic instructors; 5hr./year for part-time academic instructors; Up to 16 hours for presenting (1:1); CPR .
- MONTANA: $140; Up to 2 hrs. for multi-day a meeting; Credit for presentation of CE courses; Up to 3.5 hrs. for volunteering; CPR.
- NEBRASKA: $145; Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted; Up to 2 hrs. for acting as table clinician or lecturer to licensed dentists, licensed dental hygienists or dental auxiliaries or licensee attending table clinics; One hour credit for each hour of direct clinical observation (up to 2 hrs.); Max. 5 hrs. of faculty overseeing student dental clinics; CPR (up to 4 hrs.); Max. 5 hrs. of well-being (substance abuse); Max. 5 hrs. of ethics and professionalism; Max. 5 hrs. of dental public health.
- NEVADA: $300; Up to 12 hrs. self-study; Up to 6 hrs. volunteer service at an approved site; Up to 6 hrs. non-clinical, Min. 24 hrs. in clinical subjects; CPR; Infection control (4 hrs.); 4 hrs bio-terrorism.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE: $165; Up to 4 hrs. self-study; Min. 15 hrs.of clinical; CPR (up to 6 hrs. every biennium); Min. 2 hours infection control.
- NEW JERSEY: $120; Up to 10 hrs. self-study; Up to 4 hrs. for teaching; CPR.
- NEW MEXICO: $325; Up to 30 hrs. self-study; CPR/BLS; Infection control.
- NEW YORK: $88; Up to 10 hrs. self-study Up to 7hrs.for teaching CE courses; Infection control; Child abuse training.
- NORTH CAROLINA: $106; Unlimited self-study; 2-4 hrs. for teaching faculty; CPR .
- NORTH DAKOTA: $150; Up to 8 hrs. self-study; Credit for publications, seminars,symposiums, lectures, college courses; CPR; Up to 2 hrs. of infection control; 2 hrs. of ethics or jurisprudence; 2 hrs. in sedation if you hold an anesthesia permit; 2 hrs. restorative if you hold a restorative permit.
- OHIO: $120; Unlimited “supervised” self-study permitted; Up to 4 hrs. volunteer service; CPR/BLS.
- OKLAHOMA: $100; Up to 15 hrs. self-study permitted; Up to 5 hours for volunteering; Max3 hrs. for practice management; CPR every 3 years; Ethics course every 3 years.
- OREGON: $155; Unlimited self-study; Research, graduate study, teaching or preparation and presentation of scientific sessions permitted (max. 6 hrs. in teaching or scientific sessions); Max. 6 hrs. of volunteer hygiene services in OR Max. 6 hrs. of community oral health instruction at a public health facility in OR Max. 6 hrs. for authorship of a publication, book, chapter of a book, article or paper published in a professional journal; Max. 6 hrs. for participation on a state dental board, peer review, or quality of care review procedures; Max. 6 hrs. for test development for clinical dental hygiene examinations; Medical emergencies 3 hrs; Max. 6 hrs. Dental Hygiene Examination, taken after initial licensure; 2 hrs. infection control; Max2 hrs.on patient relations and practice management.
- PENNSYLVANIA: $422; Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted, 50% must be in lecture or clinical presentations; CPR; Max 3 hours on communication skills; If DH holds anesthesia permit, they must complete 3 CE hours in this subject.
- RHODE ISLAND: $65; Self-study permitted; BCLSOSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standards (1 hr.every year).
- SOUTH CAROLINA: $80(+$10 for infiltration anesthesia certification); Up to 7 hrs. self-study; CPR.
- SOUTH DAKOTA: $95/year; Up to 30 hrs. self-study; Credit for research, graduate study, teaching, or service as a clinician; Up to 15hrs. nutrition; Up to 10hrs. practice management; CPR (up to 15 hrs. every 5 yrs.); 5 hrs. of dental radiography every 5 yrs. (Max of 20 hrs.).
- TENNESSEE: $110; Up to 15 hrs. self-study; Credit for authorship and presenting; CPR; 2 hrs. of chemical dependency.
- TEXAS: $222. Up to 8hrs. self-study permitted; Up to 8hrs. risk management; Min. 16hrs. related to clinical care; CPR and OSHA do not count towards CE; Jurisprudence every 3 yrs.(does not count towards CE).
- UTAH: $37; Up to 15 hrs. self-study permitted(or internet-based CE); Up to 10 hrs. for teaching CE; CPR (does not count towards CE).
- VERMONT: $125; Up to 15 hrs. self-study permitted.
- VIRGINIA: $75; Unlimited self-study permitted; Up to 2 hours for volunteering; CPR If DH monitors patients under sedation, they require 4 hours of CE in this area every 2 years.
- WASHINGTON: $50; 5 hrs. self-study permitted; Max 10 hrs. for preparing/lecturing for educators or CE providers; Max 5 hrs. practice management; Max 5 hrs. volunteering; CPR/BLS.
- WEST VIRGINIA: $75; Up to 10 hrs. supervised self-study; Up to 2 hrs. unsupervised self-study permitted; CPR; Infection control or tobacco or substance abuse up to 2 hrs.
- WISCONSIN: $123; Unlimited self-study permitted; 90% through self-study (80% of self-study must require a test); Credit for teaching; 1 credit hour of college level courses is equivalent to 6 hours of CE; CPR (up to 2 hrs.);
- WYOMING: $95; yearly CE only required if DH has not been practicing for 5 years; For each year a dental hygienist has not been practicing they would be required to take 10 hrs. of hands-on CE for each year they’ve been out of practice; CPR.