Need a list of all companies seating at WeWorks in NYC, and have over 10 employees. The data is on the WeWork member directory.

of one

Need a list of all companies seating at WeWorks in NYC, and have over 10 employees. The data is on the WeWork member directory.

Hello! Thank you for your research request for a list of companies on WeWorks that have more than 10 employees. The short version is that I found several companies that meet the criteria for your request. I was not able to find funding and investor information for most of them in the time allowed. Below you will find a deep dive of my methods.


As requested, the company names were obtained from the WeWorks directory website by filtering on “company” in the Companies drop down list. I used the company LinkedIn pages to find the majority of the information and I consulted the Crunchbase and Owler websites for funding and investor information. I captured the specific information you asked for in this Google spreadsheet. Please find the links to the information in the spreadsheet in the Sources column.


In the normal time scope for 1 Wonder request, I identified 35 companies that met the criteria of this research. Using only the sources stated above, I was not able to find funding and investor information for all the companies, and those cells in the spreadsheet are blank. Many of them are privately-owed as well, and that may also play a role.


To wrap it up, I found several companies listed with WeWorks that meet the criteria for this request.

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