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What is the average dollar amount that someone spends per campaign on KickStarter and other similar crowdfunding websites?
Crowdfunding campaigns, on average, get donations of around $88 from users. The campaigns raise about $7,000 on average in a 9-week span, which is what the average length of a campaign is. According to 2015 reports, Kickstarter had an average donation of $91. In their most recent campaign, Kickstarter raised $2 billion in which the most common donation for the campaign was $25.
Crowdfunding campaigns are generally used for an individual to raise money for a specific cause, project, or event. It can be quite successful as it has generated $34 billion globally. This industry is expected to grow to an astounding $300 billion by the year 2025. On average, a successful crowdfunding campaign raises around $7,000 and the campaigns last around 9 weeks. The average donation for a crowdfunding campaign is $88. Globally, crowdfunding campaigns have a 50% success rate.
The average donation for Kickstarter was reported to be $91 in a 2015 report. In their most recent campaign, they were able to raise $2 billion toward their Bringing Creativity to Life campaign. According to their website, $25 was the most common donation made with 2.4 million pledges amounting to $60.8 million followed by $50 at 1.6 million pledges amounting to $80.2 million. The donation amount that generated the most money was $100 with 1.06 million pledges that summed up to $106.3 million.
According to a 2015 report by Entrepreneur, the average pledge amount for some popular crowdfunding websites are as follows (excluding Kickstarter):
To wrap it up, Crowdfunding campaigns are a helpful way to raise money for a cause, project, or event. Some popular websites for Crowdfunding are Kickstarter, Crowdfunder, Fundrazr, Indiegogo, and Rockethub. The average amount of donation for a campaign is $88.