I need to have the hieroglyphics in this image translated to english

of one

I need to have the hieroglyphics in this image translated to english

Hello! Thanks for your request to research and translate the hieroglyphs in the attached image into English.

The short version is that I found an article that gives a rough translation of the attached image into English. However, I was unable to give a literal translation of the said hieroglyphs due to time and knowledge constraints.

Below you will find a deep dive of my findings.

To complete your research, I first ran a Google image search for this image and found that it is known as "бог тот". This appears to be Russian for "Lord Thoth". I also found that this image is linked to the collection of 'Emerald Tablets', an ancient document. However, I was able to find a rough translation of this image in a media article. Nevertheless, when I tried to produce a literal translation I was unable to do so as the study and translation of hieroglyphs requires extensive study and familiarization of this ancient writing system. Please continue below to see the results of my research.


Dictionary.com defines Thoth as the Egyptian god of wisdom, magic and learning. He is often depicted with a head of an ibis or a baboon. In the attached image, Thoth is depicted with the head of an ibis.

Thoth is purported to be the author of the Emerald Tablets, which is said to contain the secrets of the universe.


Exemplore discussed the Emerald Tablets of Thoth in a 2016 article and provides the following translation of Thoth's image, under the heading Tablet 5 "The Dweller of Unal":

"In mighty Atlantis the Keeper of the Way Master of Unal Horlet dwelt in the temple built not by children of men. Horlet, not of the race of men, showed the path to attainment. He divided Atlantis into 10 kingdoms ruled by men and in another he built the Temple fromhis thoughts. It covered miles, deep in its heart the Essence of Light.

He filled its chambers with forms called forth from the Ether. Three of thse became his messengers to the kings of Atlantis. On the island of Undal he placed the teachers of light to men. Each trained for 15 years.

Thoth was summoned to the Temple by one of the three messengers. There Thoth trained and then found Amenti.

Atlantis fell because some too proud of their knowledge dared to enter Amenti in order to get greater knowledge. All the islands were destroyed except Unal and the part of the island where the sons of the Dweller teachers of the light lived. The gateway to Amenti was also destroyed.

Thoth was then instructed to take the sons of the Dweller (Sons of Atlantis) to Egypt in his spaceship which today lies buried beneath the Sphinx."

Hieroglyhps Translation

I found that the study and translation of hieroglyphs into modern English requires extensive learning as these are classified into different kinds of glyphs (phonetic, logographs, and determinatives) and overall hieroglyphs number around 1,000 distinct characters. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a translation from scratch within the scope of a Wonder response (2-3 hours).

However, I found the web-based tool Hieroglyphs.net which provides a rough translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs into English. I also learned that hieroglyphs are read from left to right or vice versa depending on where human or animal figures face. They are also arranged in rows and columns. However, all upper symbols are read before the symbols beneath them. In this case, Thoth is facing to the right and the symbols are arranged in three columns.

The first three symbols are read as "DHwty" and is translated as the proper name "Thoth". I was unable to find the translation of the remaining symbols in the duration of my research (2-3 hours) but Hieroglyphs.net may be of help for further research.

To wrap it up, Exemplore gives a rough translation of the attached image into English. However, I was unable to give a literal translation of the said hieroglyphs due to time and knowledge constraints, as the study and translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs require familiarization with the nuances of this ancient writing system.

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