Market Research Companies

of one

Largest Market Research Companies

On the basis of annual revenue of 2016, the list of top 10 market research companies includes Nielsen, Kantar, and Quintiles. The detailed information about these companies is included in the attached spreadsheet.


I found the pre-compiled list of 25 market research companies according to their annual revenue. Therefore, I extracted the top 10 market companies from this list. Then I looked for each company's website to get the company information and type of research they perform. I looked for the market cap of each of these companies. I have converted the market cap to USD using the average 2016 conversion rate where these are reported in a currency other than USD. No source provides the direct value of the market cap of GfK. I then used the key figures that were available publicly to calculate market cap of the company. Even after scouring all over the internet and company report, I could not find the market cap of Westat, Wood Mackenzie, and Kantar. The website states that the data is not available at the time. Other than that, I have included all the information available in the attached spreadsheet.

Top 10 market research companies

American Marketing Association (AMA) published a report listing top 25 marketing research companies on the basis of their annual revenue. The top ten companies according to their global annual revenue for 2016 are listed below:
2. Kantar
3. Quintiles (recently known as IQVIA)
5. GfK
6. IRI

Assumptions and Calculation

There was no source available providing the direct value of market cap of GfK. This report contains some key figures that can be used to calculate market cap of the company. The figures extracted are;

Book Value per Share = $17.41
Number of Shares = 36.50 million

I then multiplied the book value by the number of shares to calculate the market cap.

Market Cap (USD) = $17.41 x 36.50 million = $635.47 million

Therefore, the market value of Gfk is estimated to be $635.47 million.


The detailed information about these companies including their website, company founding date, annual revenue, market size, market research type, and related sources is filled in the attached spreadsheet. The data which were not available publicly are indicated as N/A.

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