This report provides a list of 10 trade and one treasury associations in Malaysia in the "Malaysia" tab of the attached spreadsheet. It includes at least two trade associations in each of the requested industries namely shipping & logistics, commodities (e.g., agriculture and non-agriculture), IT services, and distribution. The email address of some of the contact persons are not available in the public domain, and they also do not have LinkedIn profiles. The contact email address of their associations have been provided as an alternative. The number of members or companies in the Malaysian Association of Corporate Treasurers (MACT) is also not available in the public domain. A description of each association have been provided below. Further details on the logic can be found in the Research Strategy section.
The spreadsheet can be viewed here. Trade And Treasury Associations In Malaysia
- Selangor Freight Forwarder and Logistics Association (SFFLA) was established in 1973 to be the voice of logistics service providers, especially in the field of custom brokerage, freight arrangement, warehousing, and last-mile transportation.
Johor Freight Forwarders Association (JOFFA) was established in 1978 "to promote and strengthen the relations between members, government authorities, statutory bodies and other trade organizations."
Penang Freight Forwarders Association (PFFA) was established in 1980 as Penang Airfreight Forwarders Association (PAFA). It currently "represents freight forwarders from all modes of transport – from sea, air, land and rail and numbering IOS members."
- The National Farmers Organization (NAFAS) was established in 1972 as the National Farmers' Association (NAFAS) and launched by the 2nd Prime Minister of Malaysia, the late Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein. It is the parent body of Farmers' Organizations and it provides assistance to State Farmers' Organizations, Regional Farmers' Organizations and farmer members across the country.
- Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation (MISIF) is the national industry association for companies involved in the manufacturing of iron and steel products and affiliated services.
- Malaysia Non-Ferrous Metals Association (MNMA) was established in 2019 as ‘Persatuan Logam Bukan Ferus Malaysia’ to bring players in the non-ferrous metal industry together under one entity.
- The National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) represents the technology industry in Malaysia, "commanding 80% of the total tech business in the country."
- Malaysian National Computer Confederation (MNCC) is a "confederation and national professional body dedicated to promote and advance the professional development of ICT, Computing and Digital Technology."
- Malaysian Direct Distribution Association (MDDA) represents Malaysia's direct selling companies, and it was established to promote "ethical, responsive and excellent business conduct amongst its corporate members in the direct selling industry."
Building Materials Distributors Association of Malaysia (BMDAM) is the "national association for companies engaging in the business of supply and distribution of locally manufactured and imported building materials."
- The Malaysian Association of Corporate Treasurers (MACT) was established to "encourage and promote the education, know how and management practices of corporate treasurers."
Research Strategy
For this research on trade and treasury associations in Malaysia, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information in the public domain, including the websites of the associations, their affiliate organizations, as well as 3rd party sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and BusinessToday. The email address of some of the contact persons are not available in the public domain, and they also do not have LinkedIn profiles. The contact email address of their associations have been provided as an alternative.
Based on data availability, further research can be conducted to provide a list of an additional 10 (at least) trade associations with at least one trade association in each of the requested industries. The Malaysian Association of Corporate Treasurers (MACT) is most likely the only treasury association in Malaysia.