List of Research Done on Rwanda and East Africa

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List of Research Done on Rwanda and East Africa

Examples of books/research studies that covered the Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa tribes, Bantu migration, and/or prehistory of East Africa include “Société, Culture et Pouvoir Politique en Afrique Interlacustre: Hutu et Tutsi de L'ancien Rwanda,” “La question de L'ethnicité au Rwanda: Idéologie Raciste et Pouvoir,” “Ethnic Ambiguity and the African Past,” “History of Rwanda,” and “The Prehistory of East Africa.”

Société, Culture et Pouvoir Politique en Afrique Interlacustre: Hutu et Tutsi de L'ancien Rwanda

La question de L'ethnicité au Rwanda: Idéologie Raciste et Pouvoir

Ethnic Ambiguity and the African Past

History of Rwanda: From the Beginning to the End of the Twentieth Century History of Rwanda

  • “History of Rwanda” was written by Déo Byanafashe and Paul Rutayisire, and published by the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission in 2016.
  • The research paper has provided information on the Bantu migration, such as the migration routes and expansion of the Bantu languages.
  • The report also covered the socio-cultural history of the Twa, Tutsi, and Hutu tribes, from their origins up to issues in the twentieth century.
  • The original French version can be access via this link.

The Prehistory of East Africa

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