Liquid Organic Fertilizers - Key Players CL

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Liquid Organic Fertilizers - Key Players CL

An in-depth search of company sites, industry sites and trade sites did not reveal any information on the top/major companies that offer liquid organic fertilizers to large organic vegetable and plant growers and distributors in the US. However, we did find some helpful information on a company outside the US that supplies organic fertilizers to one such company, and this is provided below. Van Iperen International has Windset Farms as one of its clients.

Helpful Insights

Van Iperen International


Liquid organic fertilizer products


Competitive Advantage

Research Strategy

In our research we decided to look for names of key players offering liquid organic fertilizers in the US as follows: We decided to take RevolGreens and Windset Farms, as these have been mentioned by the client, and then we looked for the companies that offer liquid organic fertilizers to these growers and distributors. We looked through websites that provide trade buyer and supplier data such as Import Key and Matchory. On Import Key, most of the information exists behind a paywall, but we were able to secure a free one-month subscription to obtain the information.

On Import Key, we found that Revol Greens gets liquid fertilizers from Biota Nutri. However, this company has already been mentioned by the client, so we did not include it.

We also found that Windset Farms gets liquid fertilizers from Van Iperen International. This company, however, is not based in the US (it is in the Netherlands), so we have only added it as helpful insights.

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