of one
Learnworlds and Kajabi, Pt. 2
Learnworlds has 4 different plans, while Kajabi offers only 3. Learnworlds Starter plan charges a $5 fee per course sale, while Kajabi's plans have no transactional fees. Detailed information has been provided in the attached spreadsheet.
Selected Findings
- All the plans (Starter, Pro Trainer, Learning Center, High Volume, and Corporate) are all subscribed to unlimited courses.
- The Starter plan has 1 admin, while the High Volume and Corporate plan has above 20 admins.
- There are no transactional fees for plans except the Starter plan, which charges a $5 fee per course sale.
- The different plans (Basic, Growth, Pro) offered by Kajabi did not Specify whether they offered unlimited courses. However, the Basic plan offers 3, Growth 15, and Pro 100 products, respectively.
- Additionally, there was no specification if either of the plans allowed unlimited users. Furthermore, the Basic plan has 1,000, Growth 10,000, and Pro has 20,000 active members.