Largest Cybersecurity Companies Founded before 2000

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Largest Cybersecurity Companies Founded before 2000

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon is the largest cybersecurity company with a revenue of $386.06 Billion.
  • It is followed by Microsoft, which has a revenue of $143.02 Billion.
  • The third-largest cybersecurity company is IBM, with a revenue of $73.62 Billion.


A list of the ten largest cybersecurity companies founded before 2000 has been provided in the attached spreadsheet. The spreadsheet also contains data on when the companies were founded and the revenue they generate.

Largest Cybersecurity Companies

Research Strategy

We were able to locate a 2021 list that ranked the top cybersecurity companies based on their revenue. We then eliminated all the companies that were not founded before 2000 from the list. The remaining companies from the list were ranked from largest based on their revenue. The revenue used was the most recent 2020 revenue sourced from the WSJ, Yahoo Finance, and the companies' annual statements and press releases since most companies are listed on NYSE. Apart from the revenue information and year founded that were asked for, we also provided a description of the companies and their websites in the attached spreadsheet.

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