Internal Enterprise DIY Video Market

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Internal Enterprise DIY Video Market: TAM

The Total Addressable Market (TAM) of internal corporate DIY video platforms in the US is estimated to be 2,850,723. This was triangulated using employment and company size data of HR and people operations professionals, training and learning and development professionals, and compliance professionals in the US.

Total Addressable Market (TAM) of internal corporate DIY video platforms in the US

Small businesses are typically defined as firms with less than 100 employees while midsize companies are those with 100 to 999 employees.
There are 30,065,000 (12,492,000 + 8,916,000 + 8,657,000) employees in mid-sized companies in the US and 51,074,000 employees in large companies in the US.
Mid-sized companies typically have 1.2 HR professionals per 100 employees while large companies have 1.03 HR professionals per 100 employees.
Hence, there are approximately 360,780 (1.2 * 30,065,000 /100) HR professionals in mid-sized companies in the US.
Similarly, there are approximately 526,062 (1.03 * 51,074,000 /100) HR professionals in large companies in the US.
In mid-sized companies, training department size usually consists of 4-10 full-time employees. This gives an average of 7 (4 +10 / 2) employees.
In large companies, there are between 11 and 100 full-time employees. This gives an average of 55.5 (11 +100 /2) employees.
There are 147,047 (94,352 + 33,695 + 19,000) mid-sized companies in the US.
Hence, there are approximately 329,329 (7 * 147,047) training and learning and development professionals in mid-sized companies in the US.
There are 23,553 large companies in the US.
Hence, there are approximately 1,307,192 (55.5 * 23,553) training and learning and development professionals in large companies in the US.
There are 327,360 compliance officers in the US. We assume that these are mostly employees of mid-sized and large companies.
Therefore, the Total Addressable Market (TAM) of internal corporate DIY video platforms in the US is 360,780 + 526,062 + 329,329 + 1,307,192 + 327,360 = 2,850,723

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