Internal Communities of Practice

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Internal Communities of Practice

Key Takeaways


Some examples of businesses with an internal Community of Practice (CoP) that were formed before the year 2000 include those from Buckman Labs, Hewlett Packard, Chrysler, American Management Systems, Xerox, Chevron, and Shell. Details of the research strategy have been provided in the Research Strategy section below.


Buckman Labs

  • Buckman Labs is an example of a company that adopted CoP.
  • While the exact year Buckman Labs created its internal CoP is unavailable, Harvard Business Review reports about its successful CoP in January 2000, which suggests that Buckman Labs CoP was formed before 2000.
  • A success attributed to Buckman Labs CoP is that it reduced "the average time taken to resolve a technical query from a customer from three weeks to three days."


Hewlett Packard

  • Hewlett Packard has an internal CoP made up of product-delivery consultants.
  • Hewlett Packard's CoP is referenced in articles published by OD Practitioner and Havard Business Review in 2000, which suggests it's older than the year 2000.
  • According to Ideas For Leaders, Hewlett Packard's CoP successfully created and introduced "a new service catalogue that listed the entire range of project management services offered by the company, and a quick start methodology for project management teams."
  • Harvard Business Review states that the success of Hewlett Packard's CoP includes "standardizing the software’s sales and installation processes and establishing a consistent pricing scheme for HP salespeople."


  • Chevron has an internal CoP that is made up of social performance practitioners.
  • Verna Allee listed Chevron as one of the companies benefiting from an internal CoP in 2000.
  • According to Chevron, members of its CoP "discuss how the company’s expectations on human rights extend to resettlement issues, discuss relevant international standards, and share lessons learned from their practical experiences."

American Management Systems

Chrysler Corporation

  • Chrysler Corporation, which later merged with Daimler-Benz AG, had an internal CoP called Tech Clubs.
  • Chrysler's CoP was established in the 1990s and was made up of experts from its various cars platform.
  • The company's CoP was critical in helping Chrysler "successfully make the move to platforms, a change that cut R&D costs and car-development cycle times by more than half."

Research Strategy

To provide details of examples of businesses with internal Communities of Practice, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including those from Ideas For Leaders, KM World, OD Practitioner, Harvard Business Review, as well as those from industry organizations sources like Nikols and Chevron. We prioritized the earliest sources in other to ensure we provided examples before the year 2000. While we were unable to determine the exact date some businesses started their CoP, we have used the date of publication of the article or study that mentioned the company's CoP to determine if the company's CoP was formed before the year 2000. Hence, we were able to determine or estimate that all the examples provided above are from companies that formed CoP prior to the year 2000.

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