of one
Information Inudstry: Organization Case Studies
CBInsights has over 330 employees which serve across at least 169 job roles/functions. These employees are based in 36 locations around the world in terms of cities, but the vast majority of employees live in the United States. There is only a handful who live outside the United States. However, it can be noted here that a significant amount of the company's website traffic comes from India (7.82%) and Singapore (2.76%).
CBInsights : Organization Analysis
- Number of Employees: CBInsights has around 330 employees listed on LinkedIn. Their LinkedIn profile lists them as having between 200 and 500 employees, while Crunchbase also confirms this figure. The Craft database shows 334 employees. The company's website appears to suggest that they have 340 employees currently.
- Number of Job Functions/Roles: 169
- A list of specific job functions/roles and the number of people identified working in each has been presented in the attached spreadsheet.
- Number of Locations Employees Are In: 36 -- Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, New York City, Houston, San Francisco, Campaign, Charlotte, Grand Rapids , undisclosed U.S. city, Burlington (VT), Indianapolis, undisclosed city in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Boston, Madison (WI), Hiram, Apex, Bloomington, Tampa, L.A., Arlington, Dallas, Detroit, Winston, Eugene, Nigeria, Tel Aviv, Kerala (India), New Delhi, Beijing, Ontario (not in Toronto), Toronto, Queensland, and Perth.
- Number of Employees Per Location (by Country): 318 in the U.S., 2 in Vietnam, 1 in Nigeria, 1 in Israel, 2 in India, 2 in China, 2 in Canada, and 2 in Australia.