Indoor/Outdoor House Plants Market

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Indoor/Outdoor House Plants Market

Key Takeaways

  • Some trends surrounding houseplant purchasing in the US include the perception of houseplants as stress relievers, value-added attributes increasing the desirability of houseplants, the surge in plant parenthood among millennials, and the use of social media as an important discovery tool.
  • According to a study conducted by the Floral Marketing Fund, 39.4% of houseplant buyers are men, 60% are women, while 0.5% are identified as non-binary.


We have provided some trends surrounding the purchase behavior of houseplants consumers and the demographic and psychographic profiles of houseplants buyers in the US.

Trend #1: Houseplants Are Considered Stress-Relievers

  • According to a study conducted from 2019 to 2021 by the Floral Marketing Fund, with the sponsorship of five industry organizations, 72% of plant buyers said that houseplants make happier, and 44% were optimistic about the future despite the disruptions COVID-19 had caused in their lives.
  • According to Rebecca Deighan, a therapist, "a lot of people don't have friends and family with them, a lot of people are quite alone. We're in unusual circumstances and people are having a hard time feeling grounded. Plants are grounding."
  • We have included this trend since it is mentioned across multiple studies, surveys, and thought leadership pieces. This trend mostly applies to indoor houseplants.
  • As per a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, researchers found that only fifteen minutes of interaction with plants reduces stress levels and makes people more comfortable and soothed.
  • According to a survey of buyers who bought houseplants during the pandemic, 54% of them intended to use them as a distraction.
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How This Trend Impacts Purchase Behavior

  • The Floral Marketing Fund study also found that 72.9% of plant buyers intended to continue pursuing their hobby of taking care of houseplants.
  • According to the study, houseplant buyers increased their participation in the houseplants and gardening hobby in 2020, and they were looking forward to increasing their houseplant buying behavior in 2021.

Trend #2: Value-Added Attributes Increase the Desirability of Houseplants

  • According to the houseplants study by the Floral Marketing Fund, the desirability of houseplants increased based on the container they were held in.
  • The container attributes considered by buyers include:
  • We have included this trend since it is mentioned in an industry-wide survey. This trend mostly applies to indoor houseplants.

How This Trend Impacts Purchase Behavior

Trend #3: Houseplants Are for More Than Just Looks and Home Decor

  • According to the Huffington Post, while the houseplant craze may appear to be a passing social media fad, as more millennials are waiting until later in life to have babies and settle down, they are turning to plants. Millennials also make a big part of the wellness generation that prioritizes self-care and wellness. Taking care of houseplants is one of the ways through which they express this.
  • As per studies conducted by Civic Science, the ownership of houseplants among Generation Z is fueled by their desire to take care of something alive.
  • We have included this trend since it is mentioned across multiple studies, surveys, and thought leadership pieces. This trend mostly applies to indoor houseplants.

How This Trend Impacts Purchase Behavior

  • This trend has seen more millennials buy houseplants, with 70% of millennials considering themselves plant parents.

Trend #4: Flowering Houseplants and Succulents Are the Most Popular Houseplants

  • We have included this trend since it is mentioned across multiple studies, surveys, and thought leadership pieces. This trend mostly applies to indoor houseplants.

How This Trend Impacts Purchase Behavior

  • Houseplant buyers have preferences when it comes to what plants they should buy.

Trend #5: Social Media is an Increasingly Important Tool for Houseplants Discovery

  • We have included this trend since it is mentioned across multiple studies, surveys, and thought leadership pieces. This trend mostly applies to indoor houseplants.

How This Trend Impacts Purchase Behavior

  • Many sources credit social media for the rise in plant parenthood and as the first place customers go to for inspiration on what houseplants to get or how to take care of them. This trend has led to the growth of a social community of houseplant growers and buyers.

Houseplant Buyers' Demographic Profile

  • Below is a demographic profile of houseplant buyers in the US. These statistics mostly apply to indoor houseplants buyers.


  • The mean age of houseplant buyers in the US is 51.8 years.
  • A little over 6% of purchasers are aged 18-24, 13.6% are aged 25-34, 19.5% are aged 35-44, 10.9% are aged 45-54, 17.5% are aged 55-64, 26.6% are aged 65-74, 5.7% are aged 75-84.


  • According to the study, 39.4% of houseplant buyers are men, 60% are women, while 0.5% are identified as non-binary.

Income level

  • The study found that the average annual income for houseplant buyers was $77,802. Below is an income breakdown of houseplant buyers in the United States:

Educational level

  • The educational level of houseplant purchasers in the US is:
    • 1.2% have less than a high school diploma.
    • 17.1% have a high school diploma.
    • 18.9% have completed some college.
    • 11.7% have an associate degree.
    • 26.8% have a Bachelor's degree.
    • 4.6% have completed some graduate school.
    • 19.8% have a graduate or professional degree.

Marital status

  • According to the study, 16.7% of houseplant buyers are single, 8.5% are in a relationship but are unmarried, 57% are married, 11.8% are divorced, and 6.2% are widowed.

Houseplants Buyers' Psychographic Profile


  • The Floral Marketing Fund Study and other third-party surveys found a dramatic increase in participation in hobbies such as gardening. The survey respondents allocated 31% more time to the care, maintenance, and enjoyment of their houseplants.
  • Other hobbies houseplants buyers are engaged in include:

Spending habits

  • As per the houseplants study conducted by the Floral Marketing Fund, spending on houseplants increased by 5% in 2020. In 2020, over 90% of the survey respondents were interested in buying houseplants.
  • When it comes to the frequency of making houseplants purchases, 3.6% of buyers made purchases weekly, 10.2% bought houseplants two to three times a month, 16.4% made purchases once every month, 47.1% of buyers bought houseplants two to three times a year, while 22.7% of them bought houseplants once every year.
  • According to the study, most respondents either increased their spending on houseplants moderately (25%) or they decreased their spending moderately (25%.)

Research Strategy

We searched through multiple industry sources such as Garden Pals, StoneSide, CF Grower, the Floral Marketing Fund, Grower Talks, Civic Science, Garden Research, and many more credible sources. While there are many sources discussing houseplants trends, there is limited information in the public domain on trends specific to the purchase behavior of houseplants buyers. We found a complete demographic profile of houseplant buyers in the US from this Consumer Houseplant Purchasing Report from the Floral Marketing Fund, but we could not establish a complete psychographic profile of the consumers due to limited information in the public domain.

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