Indoor Arenas and Circuits: Size and CAPEX Analysis (2)

of one

Indoor Arenas and Circuits: Size and CAPEX Analysis (2)

Key Takeaways


The research brief has identified, verified, and corrected the capacity size and CAPEX of 39 T1, T2, and T3 indoor arenas and circuits. The capacity size and CAPEX and their respective sources have been populated in columns I-O of the purple and yellow highlighted cells in rows 15-69 of the 'Raw Benchmarks' tab of the attached Google spreadsheet. However, the individual CAPEX for certain indoor arenas (like the Coca Cola Arena in the UAE) and gun shooting ranges (like the C2 Tactical Range, P2K Range, Paintball Parc Pomponne, and Paintball Dubai) are not available in the public domain. Additionally, the research failed to identify any shooting range called Battlefront whose online footprint exists. Hence, for such cases, 'N/A' has been populated in the corresponding cells of the spreadsheet and explanatory comments have been provided in column O. Furthermore, a few indoor arenas and circuits are part of larger developmental projects and the concerned development authorities have only disclosed the CAPEX of these larger developmental projects OR they had been constructed in a phased manner and the CAPEX for all phases are not available. These instances have been treated suitably within the spreadsheet. Selected findings from the spreadsheet and the research strategy utilized to find the requested information are presented below.

The requested details have been populated within the purple and yellow highlighted cells of the project spreadsheet that can be accessed here.

Selected Findings

Research Strategy

To identify, verify, and correct the capacity size and CAPEX of 39 T1, T2, and T3 indoor arenas and circuits mentioned within the purple and yellow highlighted cells in rows 15-69 of the 'Raw Benchmarks' tab of the attached Google spreadsheet, we have leveraged the most reputable sources of information in the public domain, including the websites of the arenas and circuits. We also leveraged several news articles from reputable 3rd-party news publications like The Daily Telegraph, Arabian Business, The National, Forbes, Business Insider, and CNN, among others. Furthermore, we also leveraged case studies by sources like Buro Happold, Dar, Virtuosity Blog, and Propsearch LLC and articles by construction industry sources like Construction Week Online and ME Construction News, among others. However, despite a comprehensive search of the public domain, including all the above mentioned sources, we were unable to identify the individual CAPEX for certain indoor arenas (like the Coca Cola Arena in the UAE) and gun shooting ranges (like the C2 Tactical Range, P2K Range, Paintball Parc Pomponne, and Paintball Dubai). One possible reason could be that most shooting ranges are privately-held, hence they are not obligated to disclose their CAPEX or capacity figures in the public domain. Additionally, the research failed to identify any shooting range called Battlefront whose online footprint exists. Hence, for such cases, 'N/A' has been populated in the corresponding cells of the spreadsheet and explanatory comments have been provided in column O. Furthermore, a few indoor arenas and circuits are part of larger developmental projects and the concerned development authorities have only disclosed the CAPEX of these larger developmental projects OR they had been constructed in a phased manner and the CAPEX for all phases are not available. These instances have been treated suitably within the spreadsheet and useful information has been provided as comments in column O.

The meaning of the color codes and highlights within the assigned areas of the spreadsheet are as follows:
  • Hyperlinked data within the purple highlighted cells: The data within these cells has been changed/corrected from the ones provided.
  • Non-hyperlinked data within the purple highlighted cells: The data within these cells has been verified and not changed/corrected from the ones provided.
  • Data presented in red font within the purple highlighted cells: Since the CAPEX figures for these indoor centers and arenas could not be found in the public domain, the data provided within these cells could not be verified.
  • Yellow highlighted cells: All data within these cells have been provided (except in column K whose K SAR equivalents were not publicly available or which were not provided with the spreadsheet itself).

The following conversion factors have been utilized in our calculations:
  • USD to SAR exchange rate: 3.75 (As mentioned in the spreadsheet)
  • AUD to SAR exchange rate: 2.43 (As mentioned in the spreadsheet)
  • GBP to SAR exchange rate: 4.78 (As mentioned in the spreadsheet)
  • CHF to SAR exchange rate: 4.28 (As mentioned in the spreadsheet)
  • EUR to SAR exchange rate: 4.1 (As mentioned in the spreadsheet)

Considering the nature of the research and the requirement for finding historical CAPEX values, dated sources older than the standard Wonder timeline of 24 months have been utilized to complete the research.

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