Immigrants and College Education

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Immigrants To the United States - College Education

19.11 million immigrants have some form of college education. This is 49% of all immigrants over the age of 25.


  • As of 2017, there were 39 million immigrants in the United States were over the age of 25 and 44.5 million immigrants total.
  • According to the US Census Bureau, 18% of all immigrants have an associate degree or some college education. This accounts for 7.02 million immigrants ages 25 or older.
  • According to the US Census Bureau, 31% of all immigrants have a bachelors degree or higher. This accounts for 12.09 million immigrants ages 25 or older.
  • 49% of all immigrants have a minimum of some college education. This accounts for 19.11 million immigrants ages 25 or older.
  • Immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa were most likely to have some college or an associates degree and immigrants from South and East Asia were most likely to have a bachelor's or higher.


Our research team scoured the internet to find you the number of immigrants there are in the United States who have some form of college education. Since the US Census bureau, Migration and Pew Research considered adults 25 and older to be the correct proxy for conducting such a measurement, our team also felt this age to be acceptable. We feel this is partly because the number of immigrants under the age of 25 account for only 12% of the population and those under the age of 18 are highly unlikely to have any type of college education. (44.5-39+5.5) (5.5/44.5=12%). Our team then located the percentage of immigrants for each education level and multiplied it by the total number of immigrants over the age of 25. We then added the percentages and numbers together (18%+31%=49%) and (7.02+12.09=19.11) to calculate that 19.11 million immigrants have some form of college education. This is 49% of all immigrants over the age of 25.

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