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Higher Education Market
While there appeared to be no direct competitors providing the unique type of video-assisted curriculum for human services that Flipping the Couch aims to provide to universities, we were able to find the following similar companies that either provide video curriculum focused on mental health for universities, or provide video-assisted curriculum that includes humans services or mental health support as part of their overall offerings; Prepare U, You at College, HRM Mental Health Curriculum in a Box, and BoClips' Mental Health & Well Being Directory.
Prepare U
- Prepare U offers mental health education tools including video based curriculum that addresses and supports student mental health via the first evidence-supported experiential mental health course online.
- Similar to Flip the Couch, they offer courses that address mental health issues including stress, trauma, and stigma and are designed for use at educational institutions.
- They offer 5 class and 15 class curriculum, which can be done entirely online or via a hybrid in person and online approach using the platforms videos and other online resources.
- As pioneers in mental health curriculum, Prepare U has been "featured in documentaries, national media, and educational summits tackling student mental health education".
YOU At College
- The YOU at College platform offers digital tools to support university students and staff well-being.
- Similar to Flip the Couch, the platform offers an online well-being portal containing tools, content and resources to support mental and behavioral health.
- Tools and resources can be customized for specific needs of each university, allowing users to "tailor content and resources based on campus role, personal experiences and intersectional identities".
- YOU at College solutions are already being used by over 150 universities.
HRM Curriculum In a Box Mental Health
- This mental health curriculum by Human Relations Media is designed for classroom use, is aimed at students through university age, and covers a range of topics related to mental and emotional health.
- While not as modern as Flip the Couch's video-assisted format, this curriculum is provided as a combination of video and written content, provides as a series of physical DVDs for offline use.
- Provided as seven mental health DVDs, written lesson plans including pre-and-post tests, activity sheets, self-assessment quizzes, research assignments, and fact sheets, the program appears to be aimed at use in the physical classroom.
- Human Relations Media is a well-established provider that has produced educational programs for 35 years.
BoClips' Mental Health & Well Being Video Directory
- Well known video curriculum platform BoClips has compiled a directory of some of the best health and wellness educational videos from their video library to support mental health at educational institutions.
- While BoClips is not focused on one type of video-assisted curriculum like Flip the Couch, they do have a significant amount of video based offerings aimed at mental health support.
- BoClips for Teachers offers a large library of high-quality educational videos and related resources and curriculum.
- Boclips was established in 2014, and has collaborated with academic publishers, curriculum developers, course ware developers, and education ministries.