Higher Education Market

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Higher Education Market

Below you will find an estimated market size for Masters and Bachelors level higher education in the US, as well as an analysis of several direct competitors who provide similar programs to Healing Your Almond and Flipping the Couch.

Market Size

While there was not data directly available for the market size for Masters and Bachelors level higher education in the US, we were able to triangulate existing data to estimate a dollar value of the market opportunity in this space.
  • Using existing data, we estimated a market size of $129 billion for Masters degrees.
  • We also estimated a market size of $155.6 billion for Bachelors degrees.
We used the following calculations and data points to determine these figures.
  • Given the average cost of a Bachelors degree is $8,893 per year and a Masters degree is approximately $30,000 per year, we determined total gross revenue of 155.6 billion for Bachelors degrees and 129 billion for Masters degrees (Calculation: 17.5 million x $8,893 = 155.6 billion and 4.3 million x $30,000 = 129 billion).
  • These figures represent overall gross revenue from higher education, rather than profit as a whole which varies across universities and we were thus was not able to be determined given publicly available data.

Competitive Analysis

We found the following companies provide services similar to Healing Your Almond; Institute for Health and Human Potential, EI Training, Goleman EI, and Talent Smart EQ. More information on each company can be found below.

Institute for Health and Human Potential

EI Training

  • EITC has a goal to "create permanent, sustainable change in individuals and organizations through the development of Emotional Intelligence skills" with values in honesty, integrity, social responsibility, and abundance versus scarcity mentality
  • Similar to Healing Your Almond, the company provides emotional intelligence skills development via assessment, coaching, training, and consulting, all of which are available online.
  • The company offers webinars, online courses, online community meetups, and additional online resources for teams to educate themselves on the role of emotional wellness in the workplace.
  • The company has been around for 20 years, and was the first to offer certification in emotional intelligence, through their EQ 360 certification programs .

Goleman EI

  • https://golemanei.com/
  • Goleman EI was one of the first organization to begin offering services in emotional intelligence, as founder David Goleman made the term popular via his international bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.
  • Similar to Healing Your Almond, Goleman EI works with organizations and coaches teams to improve emotional wellness, offering various online options. They have recently begun to offer video-assisted programs to support organizations remotely during the pandemic.
  • Services offered include one-on-one and group training online, faculty facilitated online training, app based EI learning, as well as in-person training. They also offer EI Certification For Organizations
  • Goleman EI (GEI) has worked with a range of well-known organizations, supporting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and the DQ Institute, as well as collaborating with the World Economic Forum to improve emotional intelligence in schools, hospitals, and other organizations internationally.

Talent Smart

  • Talent Smart offers “simple, yet powerful emotional intelligence solutions” for organizations, that utilize a combination of online tools and resources with in person events and courses.
  • They offer solutions in various format, including their Mastering Emotional Intelligence® program online, organizational coaching, andemotional intelligence assessments.
  • The organization's cofounders Dr. Jean Greaves and Dr. Travis Bradberry published their book Emotional Intelligence 2.0, which became a bestseller.

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