How many heart-related incidents (heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias, etc.) are there by industry (oil and gas, agriculture, utilities, etc.) each year?

of one

How many heart-related incidents (heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias, etc.) are there by industry (oil and gas, agriculture, utilities, etc.) each year?

Unfortunately, we were not able to find information regarding the number of heart-related incidents each year, broken down by industry. However, we were able to produce some useful information, including what job sectors have the highest occurence of heart-attacks. We found that there are approximately 10,000 workplace heart-attacks each year, with a 5% to 7% survival rate prior to the arrival of emergency personnel. We also discovered data on the likelihood of heart-attack by industry, indicating the top 3 are Community and Social Services, 14.6%, Transportation and Material Moving, 14.3%, and Architecture and Engineering, 11.6%. Jobs that require standing all day also correlate to a higher incidence of heart disease.

Below you will find a detailed account of the attempt to find the incidences of heart-related events by industry, followed by the information we were able to obtain in the hopes that it aids your endeavors.


We initiated our search with the Center for Disease Control. Unfortunately, we could not find any industry related data pertaining to the number of heart-related incidents. We expanded our search to academic publications, newspaper and magazine publications, and government reports. When it became apparent that no such information was available, we attempted to triangulate the information, but were unable to locate any study or primary source which gave percentages of heart-related incident by industry.

Helpful Findings

There are up to 10,000 cardiac arrests in the workplace every year, an especially ominous number considering the low level of preparation found in most work environments.
Approximately 75% heart-related incidents occur either at work or at home.

Some data has been published concerning heart-related incidents by industry, but it all concerns the likelihood of such an event occurring rather than the past occurrence of such events happening. These were written based on a health survey which then calculated industry risk based on risk factors, not by projecting from current data. Results from that effort, the 10 industries with the highest risk for heart-related events, are below.

1. "Community and social services: 14.6 percent
2. Transportation and material moving: 14.3 percent
3. Architecture and engineering: 11.6 percent
4. Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance: 11.5 percent
5. Personal care and service: 10.8 percent
6. Office and administrative support: 9.9 percent
7. Management: 9.7 percent
8. Construction and extraction/Computer and mathematical (tied): 9.4 percent
9. Education, training and library: 9.3 percent
10. Installation, maintenance and repair: 9.2 percent"

It is worth noting at this point that the CDC representative interviewed for the article that published this list stated, "attention to work conditions as a risk factor for CVD warrants further consideration." Through this statement, they them seem to be acknowledging the current lack of data regarding heart-related incidents by industry. However, they also suggest this might change.

One risk factor for heart-related events that concerns one's workplace is that of long periods standing. Recent research has demonstrated a 6.6% increase in risk of heart disease from standing all day. Additional risk-factors tied to workplace concerns diet. For example, food preparation workers and servers had poor diet, 79%, a risk factor for heart-related issues. Also, office workers, who tend to get food wherever is convenient, including vending machines and food carts, often demonstrate poor eating habits as well at 69%.


The lack of research concerning heart-related incidents by industry prevented us from providing an answer, but we were able to find several pieces of related data that will hopefully prove useful. The 10 industries with the highest chance of heart-related incidents was especially appropriate given it also highlighted the lack of this information for the CDC. Also, the risk factors related to workplace were provided, such as a 6.6% increase from the amount of time one stands at work.

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